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This was hard for me to write and as much as I didnt want to do this, there needed to be something big and dramatic happening in the story. Dont you worry, good times will come. xoxo -kels

Back at our apartment overlooking the city the next morning, I sat curled up with my six year old. She had her thumb firmly placed in her mouth and her eyes locked on the TV against the wall, watching some obnoxious childrens show. Amelia had gone into surgery the night to quickly put a heart monitor into her chest, it had taken barely an hour and after she returned, we came back home. They had informed us that they were going to give her a type of medication that will most likely help kill off the cells around her body. I called every hour to speak to the doctors, and had asked multiple times for her to put the phone up to her heart monitor, I wanted to hear her heart beating just to be sure.

Nick had taken the rest of the month off, deciding it was too much for him. I was surprised that he was as put together as he was, cooking breakfast in the kitchen while humming along to some song from his mind. Sofia was a little off, we couldn't lie to the poor girl and I had managed to explain the situation to her in words that she could understand.

It was a painful few days, in and out of hospitals, doctors appointments for Sofia, keeping up with housework and everything else. Sofia was shutting herself out, staying away from everyone and hadn't said much since the day after Amelia was put into her medical coma. The doctors had told us that the medication was working in certain spots, but more small bundles of cells were popping up all over the scans of her body.

Needles, in and out of surgery, shaving more parts of her head, blood samples, tissue samples, every test imaginable was taken on her, trying to desperately find what was causing this. They had killed the original cancer, but it was coming from somewhere else and there was no trace of where it was.

Almost a week later, I sat on the bed next to my daughter, Sofia was at her aunts while Nick insisted he would come by later as I had said I was going to stop by after getting groceries. I traced a now almost healed cut out patch on her chest where they had taken a skin sample to be tested. I wanted to see her eyes again, I wanted to hear her little giggle, but all that I had right now was the sounds of her breath and her heart on the heart monitor.

I wanted to yell and scream over the fact that the universe was trying to mess up my life, they had so far messed everything up to the point where I was done, I was done with everything and anything to do with getting out of my bed every morning.

I pushed myself off the bed and rubbed my eyes, sighing softly as a nurse came into the room, shooting a smile towards me and started to poke my daughter with needles. I watched as she drew some blood from my daughter's arm and stacked it into a rack of tubes. She labelled the blood and then quickly left.

I sat in silence on the chair next to her bed and put my head in my hands, taking a deep breath every few seconds and letting it out of my lungs with a soft sigh. My heart was aching and my head was pounding, but I pushed myself off the chair, kissing my youngest bye for now and hurried off to get my other daughter.

Back at the apartment, I sat with my cup of coffee while Sofia played on the floor with her aunt. I rubbed my tired eyes and after my daughter said goodbye to her aunt, I got her to lay down in my bed with me to take a nap.

We slept until Nick returned just after five. He came into the room and kissed my forehead until I woke. I laid in his arms, watching my older daughter sleep, her chest rising and falling in a steady pace. She looked so little sleeping and I couldn't believe that she was going to be seven in less than six months.

Later on, we were all sitting at the table, eating our dinner in silence when Sofia spoke up.

"Mommy? Can I get my hair cut? Like short?" She asked, twirling the end of one of her long locks. I looked across the table at her and forced a smile, as much as I loved her long hair, I didn't want to make her upset, she has a choice in her life to do whatever she wants, in reason.

"Of course, baby, when do you want to do it?" She smiled at me and shrugged her shoulders, taking a bite of her mashed potatoes.

"I can call Missy," Our hairdresser, "after dinner and see if she can come by." It would be nice to have something else to do instead of worrying about Amelia.

"Okay mommy, yes, please!" My daughter was beyond excited, eating her supper quickly and running off to play afterwards. I texted my hairdresser and asked her to come by, she said she'd gladly come by and do her hair. I grinned at my phone, thanking her.

Two hours later, my daughter was sporting short hair cut just below her jaw and cute bangs. She looked so adorable and was very excited about her new hair style. My hair was trimmed up and I told her that when the craziness ended, I would get it dyed again. She wished us the best of luck and Nick walked her out.

We got a call late that night, my heart stopped at the sound of panic in my fiances voice as we scrambled to get dressed and get Sofia out the door. We arrived at the hospital and sat in the waiting room for what seemed like hours before the doctor came out.

"She was stabilized, but her heart rate and blood count is unbelievably low." There was casualties and there was problems with her heart, the cancer was effecting her in a way that the doctors never thought would happen.

They had tried everything they could to fix the things going on in her body, but she reacted to no medication and her blood work came back the same as well as all MRI and xrays she was put through.

Every night for the next week, we stayed in the hospital, all three of us cramped up in the small room, eating hospital food and barely getting home to do anything. We were all miserable and Sofia refused to go with Nick's sister, it was a full on fight with her about it.

"Mr and Mrs Jonas? My name is Dr. Willis, a specialist that has been asked to come in on your daughter case. I need to speak to you about a very serious matter." A tall woman with red hair interrupted Sofia's yelling at us about going home with Jordan and all three of our heads shot up.

"Hello. Call me Nick, and thats Demi. What do you need to speak to us about?" Dr Willis looked down at her clipboard and back at us, taking a deep breath.

"This is always the hardest thing for any doctor or nurse to do, but we regretfully have to inform you that with the state Amelia is in, she will most likely not make it much longer." My heart stopped as soon as those words left her mouth.

Two weeks after being put under, our little Amelia's fight against the cancer cells that were overtaking her body finished. She passed with all of us surrounding her, the pain that her body was feeling was unbearable even though she was asleep and there was nothing else they could do. She flat lined within a matter of seconds and the fear that struck the room wasn't just inside of her family but, also inside the doctors and nurses that had become attached to her. The loss was spread across the whole hospital floor.

"We gather here today, because God has decided that a young girl's time is up on this earth. Don't you worry, he has a special place for her up in the sky and she looks down upon us at this very moment. Today, we celebrate the although short live that she lived and hold the memories of this child close to our hearts. Amelia is an angel now, standing with God's finest. Keep her family in our prayers, let us now take a moment of silence for the life of Amelia Elizabeth Jonas."

There we sat, huddled together in the front of the beautiful church with Sofia between Nick and I. Her hands clenched a piece of tissue that was soaked with her salty tears and her eyes bright red from all the tears she had shed. She hiccuped with every quiet sob and the pain she was feeling made the sharp ache in my heart throb and hurt every part of me. I held my fiances hand behind her back, squeezing it as we both tried to keep it together, but it was too much for me and I broke down, falling onto my knees in front of the steps leading to her closed casket and cried.

There is many good times to come and I promise, I will not kill your hearts anymore for a while after this. Please comment some ideas, I need feedback ):

Love you all so much, have an amazing rest of the day.

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