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The child in my back seat was adorable, you couldn’t deny her of that and I have been through this many times before, child gets taken from their un responsible  parents, placed in a foster home and most times, ended up staying in their foster homes for many years.

Pulling up to my office, I parked my car and grabbed her bag from the seat beside me. The back door opened and called the pouting, upset child out of the car. She pulled a stuffed cat from a little opening in the bag, holding its big ear in her hand.

"Alright, kiddo, you and I are going to talk for a second." I told her as I got her seated in my roomy office on the couch. She shrugged, pulling the ear to her mouth and chewing on it. I sighed and shook my head, sitting on the chair infront of her.

"Sofia, thats your name right?" The light brunette nodded, causing her hair to fall in front of her face.

"Your mom has made some bad choices in her life, and you might not see her much anymore. You and I are going to stop by to see her for a minute before going to meet some pretty nice people you are going to be staying with." Her head shot up and shook her head.

"I wanna stay with my mommy!" I took her hands into mine and squatted down onto the floor to look into her eyes.

"Your mommy is not fit for you to live with, you cant." Her eyes filled with angry tears and she turned away from me. I sighed deeply, standing up to grab her things again along with a file of papers.


demis pov:

They dragged me away from my home, my daughter and everything I knew. They read through records, shoved photos under my nose as my hands stayed handcuffed in front of me on the table. I didnt understand, I told them, multiple times that I hadnt done this, I hadnt at all.

My lawer was brought to me as soon as I requested and she gave me the most confused look when she saw me handcuffed to the metal table in the police station.

"Demi?! What the hell?!" She questioned, she had been woken up at 4 am and her hair was unwashed but she still managed to look professional after I called for her.

"I didnt do it, Bethany, I didnt fucking do it. They took Sofia from me, I dont know what to do." I laid my head down on the table and only now allowed myself to feel the pain I was feeling deep inside me. 

"Demi, calm down, its okay, we will get you out of this and away from all of this crap, Ill get your kid back." I nodded, allowing the officer that came inside the metal box I was in to undo the handcuffs. I wiped away my tears, leaving back against the chair and covered my eyes.

"Here, I brought you a sweater, its always cold in here." I accepted it gratefully, it was really chilly in here. The  pink texture and pattern instantly reminded me of my daughter, the little girl that had been ripped from my life when it felt like I had only had her for a few seconds. The pink sweater brought me into her bedroom where she rarely slept but spend alot of her time, playing, singing, dancing and laughing, despite being so quiet in the last few weeks.

The lead officer on this case, well my case now I guess, came in with a laptop in hand with tones of files. He sat in front of me and nodded at Bethany who sat with a straight face, no emotion showing through.

"Mrs. Lovato, how do you do?" His thick southern accent spoke. I nodded my head at him, I didnt want to speak, I havent done anything to be at fault for.

"Alright, well, we have a video to show you and a few questions." My lawyer held her hand up.

"If my client wants to answer them, she has a choice." Officer Briggs nodded his head, turning the laptop to face me and turned in on.

The screen opened to a video, which he put on full screen and clicked play. The video started, the crappy camera focusing on a pale, black haired woman and my mouth went dry. Marissa.

Her hair was messed up, tangled and so un Marissa like. Her make up smudged from tears pouring down her cheeks, bandages wrapped around her arms and neck, her voice spoke quietly and raspy, she looked like hell.

"Tell us again, who did this?" A voice from behind the camera asked her. She took a deep breath and opened her mouth, a tear flooding onto her lip.

"Demi, s-shes my ex-best friend, she did this to me, she did it!" My eyes widened and I shook my head, pushing away the computer, slamming it shut.

"No! No I didnt do this!" I screamed out at the Officer.

"Officer, can you give me and Demi a moment." Bethany left no room to argue and he quickly exited the room.

"Demi, get it together, calm down. Is there anything that can verify where you where at this time?" She pushed a paper infront of me, I read over the time Marissa claimed to have been attacked at, an hour after she left my house.

I sat there, thinging over and over everything I had done for security when I moved in. I was only with Sofia, and shes not considered a witness since shes only 6. I sat up quickly, turning to face my laywer.

"The camera, the one outside my door, theres one there that captures pictures of every person that rings the bell or stands there for longer then 10 seconds, it records also, Im sure of it, I look through the images all the time to remember the people that I have had visitors. Theres not windows at the back, no way out the back ways unless you want to break every bone in your body, plus all my windows are sealed shut except the screen opening that only opens partway to let air in and there is no ways to get around the camera, thats why I bought it!" I exclaimed, standing up and shouting it at my lawyer. She smiled at me hopefully, walking towards the door and opening it just in time to watch the woman who took my little girl away from me reach for the handle.

And infront of her stood my sad looking child whose cheeks where flushed a light pink and tears dried to her cheeks. Her eyes lost that pretty sparkle that they always have had, my little lifeline was almost dead inside. She chew violently on the ear of her cat and as soon as she saw me, she broke down and I almost started to sob, but I couldnt, not in front of this woman and my child.


hey everyone! 35 comments on the last chapter so I updated! thank you all for reading, it means so much to me! 

as I said, I am going to be deticating chapters to random commenters and this update I picked @justsmiile because her username is amazing and I read her fanfiction (: thanks for commenting!

comment below and i might choose to deticate a the next chapter to you!

next chapter: 40 comments :o 

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