The Starting

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I wrapped the towel tightly around little Sofias skinny body and took her hand. I swung out hands and led her outside to my bedroom. She shivered from the cold and put her head down on my leg. It was 8:30, I didn't know when to put a 5 year old to bed so I just guessed and would see if she was tired in the morning. I picked her up and set her on my bed. She stood up and started jumping. I smiled at her and grabbed the bag of Jazzy's clothes Justin gave me to burrow until I got Sofia her own clothes tomorrow.

The towel slipped off her and she kept jumping, giggling.

"Come here you little energy bunny!" I pulled her down and she smiled at me. I dressed her wiggling body and kissed her head.

"Let's go get a snack baby girl and then its bedtime for you and mommy." She nodded and reached for me, her little hands grabbing for me. I picked her up and smiled, patting her butt softly threw the PJ bottoms she was wearing and walked downstairs.

Her small head rested on my shoulder as I mixed a bit of juice with water by the sink. She had her thumb in her mouth, watching me and yawning. I handed her the cup of juice and smiled down at her.

"Careful girlie, don't spill it." She nodded her head and continued to drink from the small glass. I took the cup from her gently when a small amount of the mixed juice dribbled down her chin and wiped her tiny chin off. She yawned again as I walked down the hallway to the spare bedroom that would become hers.

"I'm going to change baby, Ill be right back." She was already under the blankets playing with the light brown sheets on the bed.

I came back out in my PJs in my bedroom and returned to the spare room, laying next to her as she snuggled close to me. She was already half asleep, her little fingers balled up by her mouth. I gently took them out and brushed her hair back, smiling down at the little girl below me. I kissed her head and closed my eyes, whispering a soft "Goodnight" before sleep feel over me.

I woke up with a start to find Sofia sitting up in the bed, crying.

"Sof? Whats wrong?" She looked at me with her bottom lip in a large pout as tears streamed down her cheeks. She began to sob as I moved in the bed, pulling her knees up to her head. She began babbling nothing I could understand and I frowned, moving to pull her onto my lap. I held her on my hips as I started to rock, but quickly felt the soaking wet feeling of her pajamas on my legs.

"Its okay, sweetheart." I told her as I continued to rock slowly. I stood from my spot on the beed and moved into the connected bathroom, turning the bathtub water in the lowly lit room, there was a small plug in lamp that vave the white tiled room light. I undressed her and heloed her into the warm water. She soon relaxed and allowed herself to soak in the water.

After helping the half asleep five year old fall asleep wash and dry herself off, I coaxed the girl back into the now changed bed sheets and back to sleep.

Morning came quickly and soon, we were up and eating breakfast downstairs. I was dressed and ready to go to work for that day. While she ate, I picked out an outfit for her. I smiled as she talked to herself, eating fruit loops out of a pink bowl with a pink spoon.

nice, heres the updated part, November 13th 2015

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