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I dont think she left my arms for atleast 5 hours after she went home, its not like I cared, I wanted her cuddles and hugs. We watched tv show after tv show, in complete silence while she laid in my arms. I stroked her hair, her back and combed my fingers though her hair.

She cuddled closer to me, playing with the rings on my fingers as she wartched the show on tv, although I dont think either of us really watched the television. I kissed her head, snuggling my little bean to my chest and she didnt pushe me away.

She soaked up the attention until her stomach groaned softly and I looked down at her.

"Are you hungry baby bean?" She nodded, climbing off my lap to look at me. I leaned forward, kissing her nose gently and poking my finger into her tiny stomach.

"Lets feed your hungry belly then, baby." She giggled quietly as I repeatedly poked my finger into her stomach. I grinned, picking her up in my arms and throwing her up in the air.

"God, I missed your giggle and your smiles, and all your cuddles." She squealed, grabbing my neck as we headed towards my kitchen. I sat her down on the counter and messed up her hair.

"What would you like to eat babe?" She gave me a sweet smile, standing up on the counter. I jumped forward to grab her hips, holding her up as she opened the cupboard.

"Can I have Mister Noodles, mommy?" I groaned as she turned around with a green package of those plastic noodles in her hand. I hate giving her those, but they are easy to make. I only give them to her when were in a rush or I was way to lazy to cook.

"Just this once, no more for like, a month" Sofia squealed, handing me them and sitting back down. I sighed, smiling at my beautiful, happy little girl while grabbing a pot to start boiling her water.


10 minutes later, she was seated on the floor with the coffee table pulled up to her, her bowl of vaggie Mister Noodles and a small plate of peaches and strawberries, since she needs a little bit of healthy things. 

She happily ate the cooked plastic noodles while taking small sips from her water cup. My hand rested on the back of her hair, playing with the end. It was mid afternoon, there was still so much of the say to go until she went to bed at 9 tonight. 

I had to start getting her ready for school, earlier bedtime, school supplies shopping, I think thats Fridays plan, and all of that junk. She needed more clothes, a backpack and all these other things.

"Hey bean? Do you wanna go get a kitten?" I said suddenly, it was sort of lonely here with just me and her, we needed a pet. 

She whipped around, a noodle hanging out of her mouth and stared at me, nodding her head like a manic. I laughed at her excited expression, pointing down at her food. 

"Finish up and we'll go." I chuckled. Sofia turned back around and started shoveling her food into her mouth.

"Woah, princess, calm down, its alright, we will go no matter how slow or fast you eat." She smiled, stopping her fast eating and continued to watch her show, muching on the rest of her fruit.


I zipped up her sweater up at the door, puting her sunglasses over her eyes and pulling the hood up, it wasnt going to help with the paps but it would keep our faces off. I knew going out probably wasnt a good idea, honestly, but I wanted her happy, and this whole kitten thing, I liked the idea.

We walked down the hallway, her gripping my hand and walking down to the bottom floor. The doormen opened the door and the last of the paps instantly scattered towards us. Outsied secrity fought them back, but that didnt keep me from hearing their questions.

"Demi! Demi, is it true that your ex boyfriend sexually assulted Sofia?"

"Did you really attempt to murder your ex best friend?"

"Sofia, do you hate your mother for what she did to your aunt?"

"Is Sofia being taken from you again?"

Sofia covered her ear with the other hand, the one not holding onto mine as we got around the back to my car. I helped her into the back, tinted windowed car and strapped her in. The camera flashes were hard to ignore, but I tried my best, covering my eyes with my hand as I climbed into my side.

I shut and locked the door, not like she could get out anyways, child lock and pulled out of the parking spot I had claimed mine. I drove down the road, turning on the music and Sofia grinned, her favorite song was on, she had been obsessed for months now over Taylor Swift, I knew Taylor but I wouldnt let her into that, I had plans for this little obsession.


I kept her sunglasses on as we walked into the store, looking around. She gasped, running over to the kittens and looking in. 

Bunches of them scattered inside the glass case, multicolored and different sizes. I smiled, bending down to look at them. I placed my finger on the glass and they all came running towards us. Sofia grinned, leaning her head against the glass and watching them.

"See any you like, beauty?" She pointed at the back where a small ball of white, grey and light orange lay with a couple of the other cats. I smiled, looking at his cute little face and saw my daughter instantly fall in love.

"Can I get that one mommy?" I nodded, standing up and going off to find an employee.

Within a couple of minutes, Sofia got to meet the cute little cat. He was a 6 week old munchkin cat which Sofia instantly said his name was Toby. I smiled, watching her play with him while seated on the table.

The employee went off to find everything we needed. She brought back a basket filled with cat shampoo, dry and wet kitten food, cat treats, little toys, a bed three times his size and tones of other things. They supplied us with a little cage to keep him in, handing us paperwork to sign and health records.

I payed the money, it wasnt too much, and we were out of there within an hour. Sofia sat in the back with the cage on her lap, poking her fingers in and giggling at the cat.

"Mommy I love him, thank you!" I looked back at her in the mirror, grinning at her.

"You are so welcome, bean." I turned my head back around, focasing on the road as my cheeks started to hurt from smiling so much.



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