Imagine #1 The Ball

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I was laying in bed with an amazing book called NeverLand "(y/n) you aren't even dressed!" My maid comes in pulling me up, I look at the beautiful dress and sigh "mother wants me to be married a man I've never even met... I don't understand the point of this ball anyways..." she tightens my corset making it hard to breath "It's to meet him and his people... maybe you might find that you like him, now its time."

I take a deep breath and lift my dress so I could walk, "everyone is downstairs waiting for you milady..." I bow and continue to walk I reach the stairs and slowly head down one foot in front of the other "your highness," people bow for me as I bow back. It was a masquerade so I couldn't make out any faces.

I put my red mask on and walked around meeting new people and eating fondue, hours pass before I saw a strange figure... I started running after it but accidentally bump into someone making my mask fall off... The man I bumped into seemed shocked "I'm so sorry, I didn't see you there, love" he had this... strangely sweet accent, "no it's alright, I wasn't paying attention," I giggled and he smiled.

I put my mask back on, but for some reason, I couldn't help but have this feeling I new him... his emerald green eyes staring back at me, "would you like to dance?" He says bowing and leading me to the dance floor, "shall we dance?" I nodded making him smile as he took my hand, "so may I ask who you are?" I question him as we began to dance "if you follow me..." he walks through the crowd I pick up my dress and follow behind him.
Before I knew it we were on a cliché balcony, he then takes his mask off, "wait, I've seen your face in a book" he had a cheeky grin, "well I'm sorry I forgot to tell you my name... how rude of me... my names Peter... Peter Pan, but it seems you already knew that," I removed my mask as he grabs my waist and I was knocked out.

I wake up in a tent with the man from before patting a cloth on my forehead I quickly grab his hand "who are you and where am I?" I knew his name but I had to hear him say it again to make sure I wasn't hearing things... "well I'm the one and only Peter Pan... and you (y/n)... are in NeverLand."

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