Imagine #48 Cage

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I guess no one? I gave everyone all day or night, but I guess I'll look through other imagines maybe someone commented on there and I forgot to put that the note you write down is completely optional, all I need is your name and if you want to, the sentence, sorry anyways on to the imagine

I sat at my window reading a book, my parents wouldn't approve, it wasn't bad or anything it just it was a book of fairytales and they think I'm to old for that, I bent my knees so the book could lay gently on them but still giving me vision of the pages, and the last page said ''feeling lonely? Open your window and shout 'I believe'' I looked up from my book and got up, I thought it would be funny to give it a try "I believe" I quickly covered my mouth realizing my parents probably heard "you called?" I turn around and see a boy in a lying down position floating at my window "wh-who are you?" He chuckled "well I can't give you that information, but since you called me I'm not going back empty handed" he grabbed my hand and forced me out the window, I had a huge fear of highs so I latched myself on him hoping he wouldn't drop me.

We got to an island and he set me down, I soon felt blood leaking from my forehead and noticed a few rocks lodged into my face, I quickly plucked them out but that only made it worse. He walked up to me "get up!" I did as he requested and got up,

he was cute but hey! He kidnapped me why do I think he's cute, snap out of it

I looked into his green eyes hoping he would have mercy on me, he smiled showing his perfect teeth "sorry love, neverland is no place for girl" I sighed in relief "so I will have to keep you in a cage" I was overwhelmed with fear, he snapped his fingers and I instantly saw nothing, but I found a lantern and a few matches, well at least he was nice enough to give me a lantern, I light the lantern and looked around, he wasn't kidding, I was in a cage, I looked around and found a rock, then looked around and found the cage was connected to a wall, I took the rock and made drawing I did anything to pass the time until I saw a light  "hello? Please help!"

Pans POV

I took my lantern and went into the cave where y/n was, she was cute but I mean why would she like me, I kidnapped her and threw her in a cage, wow so much for a first impression. I remembered something, a spell of forgetting, I walked further "hello? Please help!" I heard her voice, when I was close enough I casted the spell "hello? Anyone there?" I walk to the cage and looked at her, tears streaming down her face "please, get me out" I grab a rock from the side and bash the front part and open up the cage, she gets up and hugs me "thank you" she stands up "whats your name?"  I smile "I'm Peter... Peter Pan"

1/3 you guys still have time to be shouted out, and please guys don't judge me buy the way I look, I'm not perfect. Thanks <3

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