Imagine #63

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Just a trip to chipotle
Nice title right? XD

It was a cold stormy day "go now! Y/n, I'm done with this, if you don't go know I'll tell your parents... The truth" I looked out the window once more, the only reason Im dating this cow is because he knows one of my darkest secret... I was the reason my brother died, my magic when crazy and... You can guess the rest "fine, but can we wait for the storm to pass" he slammed his fists on the table "I said now" I grabbed my coat and car keys "I wish I could run away" I whispered as I got in the car "but he'd find me" I started the car.

I opened the door and noticed a strange group of boys sitting, they didn't order anything? I shook the though out of my head and ordered "excuse me, ms" I turned around and one of the boys from earlier was behind me "you dropped this" I noticed my phone "oh thank you!" It was opened on my text messages from... The cow... He smiled "want to go somewhere he can never get you?"-"I think you got the wrong idea, I'm not a h-" he chuckled "no I know, it's called never land, have you heard of it?" I giggled "like the story book, I don't think that place actually exists" he pointed to the door "we're going right now" I sighed "how do I know if this isn't a trick" he looked around the room "I'll freeze any one in this room, pick someone" I looked around the room I sighed "prove it on me" he waved his hand over me and I felt myself go stiff, I couldn't move or scream "okay, fun is over pan" he turned around "your right Nolan" he waved his hand over me again and I could move "are you coming?" I sighed "yes" I looked around and felt an arm go around me, soon after that I felt my feet lift off the ground "wait you guys don't have a car or something?" He rolled his eyes "just hold on" he smiled.
In never land

I noticed woman with tails jumping from the water waving "mermaids?" He chuckled as we landed on the ground "you haven't even seen the best part" he grabbed my hand and we started running, we made it to a tree "this must be a dream" he smiled "as long as you believe, anything is possible" I notice a sparking green light flutter down from the tree "fairies?!" I held my hand out as it landed on it "this is tinker bell" I smiled "beautiful" it flew back up to the tree "welcome to never land y/n, I'm Peter... Peter Pan" he bowed "how do I know I'm not dreaming?" He smiled and kissed me "how real did that feel?" I felt my cheeks grow red "pretty real" he chuckled and pressed his lips against mine again aggressively pulling me closer to him, he smiled as his hands where on my hips "y/n?" He hugged me "do you remember me love?" My eyes widened as I remember seeing his face before
Flash back

"Y/n! Calm down!" My brother stood in front of me, I couldn't control myself, I was floating covered by a f/c and 2/f/c colored orb "please y/n!" I growled "she's gone Felix" I used my magic to push him away, I felt something snap around my wrist and I fell to the ground, I looked at my wrist to see a strange band "wh-" a hand held infront of me "y/n, are you okay?" I look up "who are you?" He smiled "I'm Peter Pan" I look behind him and see my brother smashed against a wall "Felix!" Green smoke appeared around him and he vanished "I'll come back for you when you're older" as I turned around he was gone

Present day

"Peter..." He kissed my forehead "theirs someone who would like to see you" he wrapped his around me and we walked to what looked like a camp "y/n!" I look to where I heard the noise and saw Felix "f-Felix?" He ran towards me and hugged me "your okay!" I smiled hugging him back "thank you pan" I looked to the side to see Peter with a big smile "haven't I told you already, Peter Pan never fails" he chuckled, as he did I looked down at my wrist seeing the band on it.

Few days later
(Night time)

I exited my tent to see pan and Felix talking "hey boys" I smiled messing Felix's hair up and kissing pans forehead, I sat down next to them "hey, love" he smiled leaning closer to me and kissing me "get a room" Felix fake gagged and got up "y/n, do you want to stay here?" I smiled "what kind of question is that? Hell yah, I do" I smiled kissing him once more and running my fingers through his hair "good" he said kissing me again.

Also thank you guys so much for 116k! That's amazing!!!!
Thank you guys so much

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