Chapter #70

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Sadly, I think this will be the last chapter of  Peter Pan imagines. we've come so far guys! 190K views, 5.04K votes, and 430 comments! I never thought I would get this far! I know I've said this a while back but when I first made this book I didn't expect people to read it, it was honestly just a fantasy I had and I wanted to share it with people and after 2 maybe even 3 long years! Everyone here has been inspiring me so much!!! I wish there was a way to show how great full I am that you guys have stuck by me so long!!! Thank you guys so much and please enjoy the (possibly) last chapter of Peter Pan Imagines

"Y/n?" I sighed and turned around, "will you pick up your trash!" My mother screamed, she's losing her mind, she thinks she sees things that aren't there, 'like the trash that's lying on the ground', "Don't judge me for the litter that falls out, for I am just a humble trash can trying to roll its way through life!" I chuckled, "SmartAss! Go to your room!" I rolled my eyes and started to walk away when she punched me, I touched my nose and realized it was leaking blood, I quickly rushed to my room.

Recently because of my mothers illness she gets abusive, I lifted up my shirt seeing that the old bruises aren't going away, I pulled up my sleeves revealing more bruises, "I can help you with that," I quickly shove my sleeves down and see a person standing on my window sill, "w-who are you?" He smiled, "that doesn't matter, come with me if you want to not die," I scoffed, "how do I know that I can trust you," he held his arms out and fell backwards, I quickly rushed to the window but he wasn't there, when I turned back around he was behind me, "is that enough proof?" I sighed, "your lucky your personality is too adorable for that," he held his hand out, "you coming?" I grabbed his hand, "great choice, luv," he sprinkled what looked like glitter on me and we started to float, "w-wh-how?" He smiled and gripped my hand as he took off, I stared at the sky and the building, the scenery was beautiful,"this is the most fun I've ever had," he smiled and kissed my hand, "welcome to Neverland luv."

"Y/n! Y/n!" I turned around, "can you tell me with this one means!" One of the boys pointed to a tattoo that was showing through my shirt a little on my back, I lifted the back of my shirt a little bit, "theses?" He nodded, "well there broken angel wings, it's like a symbol of strength... like I matter what I've gone through, I'm still here." I smiled pulling my shirt back down, "he smiled, what about this one?" He pointed to a thorn rose on my wrist, "they were my mom's favorite flowers, I remember when ever she was sad I would run out of the house and buy one," I smiled, "y/n, and the bruises-" I turned around to face him when, "I think that's enough for today, can't you see your making the poor girl sad, maybe you guys can talk about them tomorrow but it's getting late," he frowned, "okay, thank you for telling me," I smiled, "anytime," Pan put his hand on my shoulder, "we should go to bed," I nodded and headed to my tent.

When morning came pan shook me to get me up, "come on wake up!" I sighed, "go away I'm sleeping," he then picked he up and sat me down on a log next to the fire, "fine, fine," I stretched my arms, "why don't we play a game, to get y/n more awake?" I smiled, "Phil your a genius," he looked confused, his face read 'who is Phil', Pan cleared his throat, "y/n is it, run!" Everyone ran away, unsure what to do I followed pan and Felix.

After running so much my legs gave out and I just laid there, "give up?" I quickly tap his ankle, "never," he growled, "sorry, tag backs don't apply Pan," I tried to get up but my legs collapsed again, he picked me up, "okay fine, let's take a break boys!" We walked back to camp and I just randomly blurted out, "my tummy hurts, rub me better," we both started laughing, "your a dork you know that?" His face suddenly relaxed and he leaned close to my face, "did I ever tell you, you look really cute when your face is red," as if on que my face turned bright pink-ish-red, "there you go," he smiled and leaned in again, "stop teasing me and just kiss me already," he smile, "impatient are we?" I growled and grabbed his shirt forcing his lips on to mine, even when I let go of his shirt we still didn't part, "Pan?" Felix called him. Pan quickly pulled away and acted casual, "yes?" Pan sat me down and smiled, "I'll be back later to return the favor," he winked and walked away.

I'm sorry this was short!
This was requested by @BlakeA2
Hope you liked it.

Anyways like I said, thank you guys for sticking by my for 2-3 long years, I couldn't have done any of this without you guys!

Sincerely your doughnut weeb
Sophie <3

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