Imagine #4 Cheater

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I was sitting on a log watching the lost boys run around, dancing, singing, howling. I wanted to join but I was afraid peter would do something to ruin it. He always teases me.

We've been together for a week now and I have never been happier, "(y/n)," James (new lost boy) asks for me, he has always had a crush on me and everyone knows it, but I loved peter and that's all that matters, "yes James?" You say getting up "I need to ask you something, in private," he points to the forest, so I follow him, "okay what do you-," he quickly plants a kiss on my lips. As quick as I could, I push him back and slap him, "what the hell is your problem," I start running for my tent.

When I got in, I cry into my pillow, before I knew it peter was in my tent, "is everything alright, love?" I got up and stare at him, "you promise you won't be mad?" He nods and sits next to me and start wiping tears off my cheeks, "well James made me head out in the woods and he tried to kiss me, I pushed him o-" he cut me off by shh-ing me and pressing my head against his chest, "did he do anything else?"I shook my head no. I could tell he was mad but I could say anymore, it felt comforting as I felt his fingers run through my hair. I hear him mumble something, but I couldn't understand cause I was falling asleep.

I wake up and hear pan yelling, "peter?" I exit my tent, "you lied, get off my island NOW" his voice ranged as my heart felt crushed, "Pete-," "NOW," he yelled I quickly grab my thing and sit on the shores of the island hoping it was a trick, "I can't believe this is happening," I couldn't hold back the tears when I turned only to see James. I get up and poke his chest making him walk backward, "you are a terrible person, I was happy and you had to ruin it!" I was screaming and crying, and I couldn't hold it back, "if it makes you feel better I was the one who told the lost boys that you pulled the move on me, oh wait that doesn't help." I grab my dagger out of my pocket and hold him against a tree, "you better leave me the hell alone!" I move my dagger away from his neck and push him, he ran as fast as possible, "coward!" More tears fell as I stare at the necklace pan gave me "why!?" I grab my necklace and throw it in the water I then find an empty boat. I put my bags on and start rowing the boat, while tears streaming from my face.

"I didn't think you would leave," peter is on the boat I quickly wipe my eyes but the tears didn't stop forming, he wipes my eyes, "nice acting by the way," I was questioned him quickly "you think I would kick you off the island and I know you would never do that," I was furious. I pushed him off the boat and he swims back up and starts drowning "help!" Peter says asking for my hand as I grab it and he pulled me in. I swim back up super angry now, "I hate you," I stuck my tongue out at him, "no you don't." He smiles and pulls me in for a kiss I push him back and playfully punched his arm, "don't ever do that again," I smile and kiss him.

James was banished from NeverLand and as for me and peter we are happier then ever.

Hey guys sorry it's a little weird I wanted a story where they where drawn apart but pulled back together... I'm very childish...

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