Imagine #42 In your dreams

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There is something that needs to be said, Thank you! I wouldn't been here with 1k votes 400 comments and 40k people reading, if it weren't for... You, thank you for sticking around with me for this long, I honestly didn't think I would get this far so again Thank you!

I woke up on a dusty old ship but I knew where this was, I saw it in a dream... Wait am I dreaming, my arms where tied to the floor "hello?" I hear a voice of a young boy "please help, I'm tied down" the boy got closer looked the age of 15 "I'm baelfire" he unlocks the door and opens a knife "hold still" he cuts off the ropes "how could I ever repay you" he smiled "maybe with your name" I smiled back "I'm y/n" he helped me out "oh shoot I have an idea, can you swim?" I nod.

"Get up there now!" I climbed the ladder and watched as the pirate crew was staring at me and bae "what are you doing mate?" The captain walks over "she owns some sort of magic, I was thinking we can make her walk the plank" he captain smiled "your finally growing to be one of us" he shoved me towards the plank and made me walk it "good bye" I jumped off an tried to stay under water so no one saw, the ship was to far away to see me so I jumped out of the water gasping for air "there she is!" I look up and see a boy flying, he grabs me and picks me out of the water taking me to some land.

"out me down!" I smacked his arms "as you wish" he dropped me, making me go face first in to the sand "get up!" I stand up and pick out the small pebbles that stuck to my face "state your name!" I pull the last one off "I'm y/n" he was shocked but tried not to show it, even though it was written all over his face, he grabbed my wrist and dragged me into the forest "I missed you" he pushed me against a tree and kissed my roughly, was I missing something? I look over and see a tree with my name carved into it but there was another name "I quietly whispered Peter Pan and he stopped "what?" I smiled and kissed him, as I kissed him again the memories of my dreams came flowing back to me, when I visited in my dreams I was actually here, with him, the thought of it made me smile into our kiss, I love Peter Pan.

Sorry these are short it's 1 AM and I have a lot to do tomorrow so sorry guys

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