Imagine #55 part 1 Tinker bell

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I'm so! So! SOOOOO!!!! Sorry, I've been so busy with school, pets, other books, ect.
I'm so sorry, and I'll try to get back on track with updating.

I swept the floors and looked up staring at the captain, he was starting to get on my nerves, I growled as I stared at him "oh I know right" I looked to my side to see a tiny fairy, I held my finger out and she flew to it "who are you?" I whispered as she sat down "I'm tinker bell" I looked at her oddly shaped leaf dress and shoes  "I came to help you" I looked around to make sure no one was paying attention "how" she got up "jump into the water, shore isn't very far, you'll see a boat... Steal it" I raise an eyebrow "what does a fairy want with a ship?" She chuckled "that's not all" she disappears then reappears with a map "go here" I look at it then look back up, she was gone "worth a shot" I whisper to my self "worth what?" I hid the map and realized the will get ruined when I jump "n-nothing" he looked me up and down "hand it over" I turn away from him and quickly jump off the side, I started swimming, when I reached air I looked down, my pocket was glowing "how is that possible" I grabbed what was in my pocket and saw the map wasn't wet "smart fairy" I then kept on swimming.

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