Imagine #12 Bottled mermaid

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You where on the shores when you see a bottle you open it and a beautiful mermaid pops out "thank you for freeing me, may I ask your name?" I paused still in shock but I has to answer "(y/n)" she didn't say a thing until I broke the silence "what are you doing in the bottle?" She shook her head and answered "well I'm the beautiful mermaid in the bottle, I grant wishes like genies, I grant the finder 4 wishes" I stop to think "isn't it 3?" She paused "well yes but mermaids are rare so I gift 4" hmm I thought about it for a moment "I wish... That all my favorite fairy tail characters where real" she splashes her tail but nothing happens "I wish I had magic" she splashes her tail and I began to float random items "and I wish you were set free" she smiled "you'd do that, but you still have 1 more wish" I smile back "yes, and you use it" she smiles and sets herself free "thank you" she splashes away, "there!" I here from behind a few boys with pointy sticks and sharp knifes come up to me "pan will be very pleased" "wha-" before I knew there was a rag over my mouth and a bag over my head I tried to scream or use magic but they put some weird cuff over my wrist that blocks it, I then here chatting "why did you bring her?!" A man with a British accent says yelling "you said she needs to be questioned-" he was cut off "I ment NICELY " I heard foots steps march out and an angry gr. before I knew it the bag was ripped off my head the light blinded me "don't be afraid, I just need to ask a few questions, your not going to scream if I remove the rag?" I nodded as he removes it "why did you bring us back?" I paused "back? I found a mermaid in a bottle and I asked her to make my favorite fairy tail come alive" he stepped back and punched a hole in a tree "do you know who I am?" I shook me head no "well (y/n) welcome to never land, I'm Peter, Peter Pan" I was shocked as he removes the cuff from my wrist "why am I your favorite fairy tail?" I couldn't say "please tell me love I promise I won't laugh" I rolled my eyes "because I had a little crush on you when I was younger" I started laughing but he turned towards me and planted a small kiss on my lips "thanks for saving me, love" he smiles as I smile back walking to his camp while holding hands.

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