Imagine 17 Your choice

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Me and Jessica have been in neverland for years, we tell each other everything. she knows I like pan... A lot "so over pan or Felix who would you date" we started joking around "pan" Jessica says winking at me "Jessica and Sophie can I talk to you?" She looks at me and fixes her hair as we just laughed "well I need you gu- girls to talk the lost boys, some have gone... Crazy" we stare at each other then back at him we nod then walk away "oh and... Thanks" he grins and winks which made my heart melt. Hours later I finish and never hear a word from Jessica, but I couldn't help but think about how much me and pan had in common I know it's stupid but I like him and I don't know what could stop me, I finally see Jessica and... Pan? "Hey where have you been, I already finished my part and yours" she giggles "I've been hanging out with pan, god he's hot" I look to the side "he's right there" I lift an eyebrow and look to her right "I know"she smiles and her and pan walk away, what's wrong with her, I turn around to find them kissing, it felt like pan ripped my heart out and crushed in my face, as I feel the life draining out of me, I couldn't help but cry so I ran into the woods as far as possible and sat with my back agents the tree. I curled up in a ball and cried, I didn't hold anything back. I hear a twig snap "go away" I mumble as I stay there "I came to thank you, again" I keep my head down but some one grabs my chin and lifts my head up only to reveal pan, I move my face out of his clutch and get up "what do you want?" I was angry so I clenched my fists "I came to thank you" he smiles and winks "go be with your girlfriend and send me home, I don't care what they did to me, cuz I've been through worse here" I just kept walking.
Morning I wake up and grab my thing, pan was still asleep so I just sat on the never land shores watching the waves crash "I wanted pan, but because of you I can't have him" Jessica comes behind me with a dagger "what are you talking about, put the dagger down" she gets closer and blows weird pink stuff in my face making me get very sleepy.
I wake up in a cave with her standing there wiping blood off her hands "oh good your awake" she turns to me with a glowing heart in her hand, but it was slightly orange "who's heart is that?" She laughs "yours silly" this was not like her "well you have the heart of the truest believer and that's why your here" she puts it in a box "I'm going to give it to pan to crush and we will see if he truly loves you" she giggles as she takes me back to the camp with my arms behind my back "oh pan!" She giggled as he sees him walk over "(y/n)? Jessica what are you doing" she puts me on my knees and gives pan the box "give me proof of our love, crush it or take it, I mean she is a true believer, your choice" she walks around him "her or me" she stops and opens the box, pan takes it out and crushes it slowly as he gets closer to me, I wanted to plead but the pain took over me, I couldn't do anything "I'm sorry" she giggles as he got even more closer, he shoves my heart back into me, as I feel relief "what?!" She was angry "boys you know what to do" they pick her up and take her away "you need rest" he picks me up bridal style and puts me on his cot as I slowly fad. Hours later I slowly open my eyes to see pan at the at the side of the cot holding my hand and laying his head down, "it's all my fault" he mumble "what is?" I say in a weak voice he lifts his head up and kisses me multiple times "woah" I put my hand on his chest as he has his around my waist "sorry" he puts his head down "no need, I kinda needed it" I smile as he looks up and kisses me passionately. but Jessica still seeks her revenge.

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