Imagine #10 Birthday to Remember

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It was my birthday I wore this beautiful blue dress, I also wore my mothers necklace, she passed away not to long ago and my father blames it on me, he hits me and throws me but today he was gone. On my birthday! So I threw a party and here I am dancing with a crowd of people a slow dance song came and well... I sat out but a man with a mask came up to me and asked for my had "may I have this dance?" He has this amazing ascent that could make a girl melt on the inside, I grab his hand as he brings me on to the dance floor, after the song I went to grab some punch "oh what a lovely necklace (y/n)" some person grabs it as it breaks in tons of pieces the pearls went flying "that's my mother" a tear fell from my eye as I ran up to my room. "I can't take it anymore!" I open my window to my bedroom and face my door, fall back words like a trust dal but only no one there, I feel the air rushing through my hair, then I stopped falling "your going to try to kill yourself with out giving me another dance?" I look and see I'm flying but in the man I danced with holding me "Peter?" I recognized that face anywhere, my dreams. "lets go" he smiles "never land!?" I smile back as he nods. "Felix and the others have a surprise for you birthday".

OMG thank you guys for 650 reads

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