Imagine #46 or #47 Deep Sleep part 2

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Pans POV
They fed her lies, of course I love her, nothing could stop me from loving her, so when no one was looking I took the cuff off, they should know it doesn't work on the person who made it... Idiots, y/n out the ring on and fainted, now was my chance, I punched the guy behind me and used magic on everyone else but I left one for last "hey, a**hole, yah you! That my girlfriend, and I want her back" he scoffed "what are you going to do about it?" I slam my head against his and beat the crap out of him "how dare you?!" I kicked his rib cage "an Innocent girl!" I kicked him agin "don't ever make me find you on up my island again" I take the ring off her finger "oh and here's you piece of crap ring" I threw it at him and picked up y/n bridal style.

When I got to the camp I set her down in her cot and though for a few minutes, why hasn't she woken up? I go to check on her and see black veins across her neck, he laced the ring with a curse and and he used dream shade, I quickly grab never lands water but that cured one thing, she was still asleep, Felix ran in and told me about a legend of true loves kiss "I think that a load of crap if you ask me" Felix just rolled his eyes and left, I hovered over y/n and placed my lips on hers, I saw her eyelids move "y/n?" He looked up at me "peter! Thank god you're okay" she hugged me "are you alright" I looked at her soft pink lips and it was just so tempting "I'm fine, just a little" I kissed her, I didn't want to move but she would probably slap me "shaken up..." She smiles "you get some rest, I'll tell you every thing later" I kissed her forehead and walked out of the tent with a smile.

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