Imagine #54 lost girl

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I made a book where you guys can ask me questions, it's called Ask Sophie and you can pretty much as me any questions

Peter sat down next to me and messed my hair up "hey jay" I smile and try to fix it "hey, what was that for?" He smiles "cause I can" I rolls my eyes "well don't do it again" I punch his arm playfully "want to go swimming?" I thought about it
Seeing peters body- what am I thinking.

A few days ago I started having these weird dreams where he kissed me and ever since that I've had feeling for him, he waves his hand over my face "hello?" I look at him "oh right, sure" I smile "okay see you tonight" wait tonight! Night swimming?! Uhh, I can't do it, I'll just fall for him even more, I mean the moon reflecting off the water making his green eyes sparkl- I'm going to stop now, I started giggling and I walked back to my tent.

"Hey jay! You ready?" Peter walks into my tent, as I turn around I looked at his perfect muscles "y-yah" I couldn't take my eyes off him "let's go" he grabs my hand and starts to run "s-slow d-down!" He takes off into the sky "this might hurt" my eyes widen as I look down "Peter don't you dare!" I saw the cold water, this is going to hurt, he lets go making me scream, when I just nearly touched the water he grabbed me "gotcha!" He then drops me in the water, I swim back up an try to move the hair out of my face "Peter!" I grab his hand and pull him down, as he swam up he grabbed my foot and pulled me down
Oh he's going to get it?
I swim up seeing him laugh "you think that's funny?" I splash water at him "you're going to pay for that" he tackles me pushing me into the water but still on top, I feel his lips on mine
What is he doing?!
When we reached air I opened my eyes, seeing that his were closed and still feeling his lips on mine, he pulled away.

"That was uh" he blushes, I kiss his cheek and smile "you're it" I push him in the water and start swimming away "I'm going to get you for that!"

This one was for jaykay202
Sorry if it's not what you wanted

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