Imagine #14 Peter!

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"Look you have to hide it's not safe anymore, rumplestiltskin wants me dead and will kill anyone in the prosses" I hid in a cage, like a prisoner "I love you" I smile and he smiles back "I know" he closes the gate and leaves, hours probably days pass "cages, is that where she is?" I hear, but I channel it out and lay on the cage floor feeling lowered and the door open "Wendy?" I turn to see a bunch of people staring at me "no... over there" pan kept Wendy on the island because she wanted to stay but also didn't want john and Michael to know "Wendy!" I hear celebrating and cheering "so who are you kid?" I turn to see a blonde girl staring at me I was pissed so I was a little snippy "I could ask you the same thing" I stare back up at the cage roof "I'm Emma swan, now... your name" "(y/f/n)" she looked at hook "let's take you to the ship, do you know where Henry is?" I giggle "are you kidding he has been having so much fun here, oh sorry um... no I don't, also if you think pan did this to me... your wrong" I climb out and walk away, searching for hours for the camp, I knew it like the back of my hand "seems like we have a guest, probably someone who knows I like guessing games... who could it be?" I look and see pan sitting on a stump and all the boys passed out "I guess... the dark one, come to save Henry I suppose" he smiles "you can come out now baelfire" his face was happy to anger "this is a real family reunion isn't it" I have never seen him like this... ever. I see baelfire shoot a narrow with squid ink on it I wanted to help but I couldn't bae pick up Henry "are you really sure your saving him bae?" He stops and turns to pan "what can be worse then leaving him here with you?" He grinned "why don't you ask your father" I head mumbling "your father isn't here to rescue your son, he's here to murder him... sometimes the people we should fear the most are the ones closest to us". They leave as I rush to pan "who let you out?!" He didn't seem happy to see me "Emma" I wash of some of the squid ink off of him help wear off faster, he moves and gets up he was angry but he kissed me "hurry get to there ship and pretend you don't know me, you are just a girl I kidnapped like Wendy" the tears where holding me back from saying what needed to be said, I ran crying but I stopped by the time I got there "ugh I though you would arrive" hook says helping me aboard "really how so" we never liked each other "watch your tone young lass"

Being in storybook for a few days

"What is that" I question as Henry hand Regina a mysterious item "the curse... just know I love you Henry" she smiles before passing out "Regina?!"

Minutes pass
"He has the-" we all froze I couldn't move but it was as if I was pans enemy "curse, that I do. I could play with you like a pack of dolls couldn't I hard to tell which one to kill first... no it isn't you, you first" he points to bae. rumple grabs him and they have an argument "you may have lost your shadow, but there is one thing your forgetting... so have I, I sent it away with something to hide" a shadow flys down and gives rumple a dagger as he has pan locked I try to move but I can't "see the only way for you to die is if we both die, know... know I'm ready" he stabs the dagger in him as I'm forced to watch them die they disappear as me and bell fall to the ground crying "my father did what he had to do, he saved us" I get up "saved you, he's all I had!" I screamed loud and ran into the green smoke (curse) waking up on the never land shores "(y/n)?!" There was a voice "pan?!" I look around and see him come out the fog, I run up to and I wrap my arms and legs around him kissing him repeatedly "(y/n)" I loved him and was happy he was alive "(y/n)!" I stop "I love you" I pause with a smile "I know" we both smile as we roam the new never land.
For a short time.

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