Imagine #40! Tree

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10 more! And I guess I'll do both so all the people who want to be shouted out comment here I'll pick 5-30 I think 5 is the lowest amount of comments I'll get and 30 the highs so I'll just go with that, anyways enjoy.

Pan taught me magic so being me I took a stick rope and wished for a guitar, and it worked.

I sat on a tree truck practicing and came up with a song idea so I grabbed my knife and carved it into the log, I played and wrote just going on and on until someone's arms wrapped around me "hey y/n" I look up and see pan "what did I tell you about wishing for stupid things" I gasped "you did not just go there" he chuckled "what are you going to do, sing me to sleep?" I growled and set the guitar down "I'll give you a 5 second running start" I counted down as he ran off, I soon ran through the forest almost about to grab him, he stopped and turned around making me tackle him to the ground.

"now what where you saying?" I pinned him down "oh nothing, just about how beautiful you look when your angry" I punch his arm playfully and got off him "no but seriously, it's adorable" he puts his arm around me slowly leaning me to lay on his shoulder, we got teleported on top of the trees where we watched the sunset, he looked at me and leaned closer, closing his eyes, I leaned in as well but stopped "hey! Lovebirds! Soups ready" Felix yelled at us "one second" I said getting ready to get off the tree but pan pushed laying me down and kissed me "we will continue this later" he kissed me again and jumped off the tree.

I'm just nervous that you guys will think I look weird, but nvm that you guys can put your name and things you like about the book, me, pan, anything you want and I'll put it in the shout out with my picture at the top, so yah I'm going to TRY to update everyday so at the least 6 day (if I update more then once a day) or I could TRY to do 3 (including this one) for today and do 3 tomorrow and 4 after that... Idk sorry for my rambling

Oh and it will look like this

@SophieJoy501 (username)
(Name) Sophie
"Love the book, I love the part where blah blah blah happened in imagine #40" (what you want to say) and I'll also follow you :)

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