Chapter #66

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In 3 days it will be Me and Peter's 5 year anniversary. So I was thinking What should I get him? It has to be special. I couldn't really think of anything so I asked the lost boy's if they had any ideas.

"Hey Vin, can I ask you a weird question?" Vin smiled, "Sure, whats up?" I sighed, "Me and Pan's 5 year anniversary is coming up and I have no clue what to get him," Vin saw I was distressed, "umm... How about..." He looked around then it hit him, "how about you #### and ####-" I quickly covered his mouth, "N-no thanks!" I could feel my cheeks burning, "Okay? How about you ask Brandon?" I tried my best to put on a smile, "o-okay." I quickly rushed over to Brandon with my face looking like a tomato "h-hey Brandon, c-can I ask you a qu-question?" He nodded, "wh-at does Pan l-like?" He rubbed his chin, "you, lily." Just when it was about to disappear my blush came back "n-never mind, d-do you know anyone else who m-might know something?" He pointed, k"Felix. He just left for the docks," I smiled, "thank you!" I smiled and ran straight for the docks.

When I got to the docks Felix was sitting there as if he was waiting for something "Felix!" He turned around but didn't say a word, "can you help me, I need a gift for pan but I don't know what to get him, please Felix you're my only hope!" I felt bad saying that, I should just figure it out myself but I'm desperate... "Hmm, it might be weird but what if you got him that one book about Neverland?" I smiled and hugged him, "you're a genius!" I went to kiss his cheek to thank him when all of a sudden Felix accidentally turns his head, our lips connected and I quickly pulled away, "I- oh my god, I-'m so- s-sorry!" As if on que,"ahem!" I turned around and saw Pan "I- it's not what it looks like, I swear it was an accident!" Peter grabbed my arm and started pulling me, every time I tried to talk to him his grip would get tighter until he finally gave up, "so annoying!" He turned around and placed two fingers onto my forehead making me pass out.

When I woke up I was tied up to Pan thinking tree "P-Peter?!" I was worried, I don't think I've seen Pan that angry in a while or ever. I heard foot steps "Pan?" I couldn't turn around to see, "you really didn't think I'd find out did you?" I was scared of this new version of Peter I'm seeing, "P-Peter, it was an accident! I swear!" He pulled his dagger out of his boot, "oh of course it was an accident," he lightly ran the dull side of the blade against my neck down to my collar bone, "prove to me it was an accident and I'll let you go, but every time you lie," he grinned and dipped the dagger into some black substance, "you know what dream shade is, right luv?" I gulped, "I'll just nick a little part of you every time you lie," he got closer, "so if you prove you're innocent, I'll give you the antidote, and if you fail... well," he almost seemed pained to do this yet he was so angry I think he was trying not to care.

"Okay, question 6, why did you kiss him?" I sighed "because he helped me find a gift for our 5 year anniversary and like I said it was an accident, I was aiming for his che-" Pan took his dagger and made a little cut on my lower arm. I winced in pain, "why are you lying to me?" I struggled to get my words "I- didn't li-" he cut it again but this time on the other arm, "p-please," my eyes filled with tears, "the Pan I know and love would never hurt me..." he dropped the dagger "I can't do this anymore," he sighed. He grabbed a small bottle and started to drink it, or so I thought when he placed his lips on mine forcing the liquid down my throat.
He pulled away and and quickly untied me "I'm sorry," he pulled me into a hug,"I'm sorry," he kept repeating over and over, "I love you so much, I'm so sorry," I started to cry in his chest, "me too."

(When you she says punished I think she meant sexually but I think I have some younger views and sibling reading so maybe in the future)

It's today! (Felix went to the mainland and got the book) I wrapped the book and put a bow with pretty green silk ribbon on it, "please like it," I whispered silently to myself, "lily! Pans looking for you!" I smiled, "coming!"

This was requested by NeverlandBeliever.

Thank you so much for requesting! Hope you like it.

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