Imagine #56 The Underworld

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I'm so, so, SOOOOOOO sorry I haven't posted in a LONG time, I've just been so caught up with all the ouat crap that's been happening, has anyone seen the trailer, this will be spoiling so PLEASE go look at it before reading, I'll put it at the top.

By the way this is in storybrooke.

I opened my window and stared out side, the cold breeze brushing agains my skin, I grab a blanket and a book, I sat down and began to read, it was a book about fairy tails, I randomly flip to a page and open up in Peter Pan, just thinking of his name brought huge pain to me, he was everything to me, but they took him from me, I throw the book to the ground and watch as it lands perfectly on the same story "Ugh!" I scream turning away from the book, when I looked out the window I saw his face but didn't realize it, I quickly look back and noticed it was nothing... Why did have to kill him, I felt a sharp pain in my heart just thinking about him "why?" I whispered outing my knees up to my chest and covering my eyes, I tried to control it but I couldn't, tears poured down my face, I felt lips being placed on my head making me jerk up "dad?" No one was there "it's not funny" I notice my door wide open "is this how we're going to play?!" I wipe my tears and run down the stairs, I notice the basement door open

Nice try dad

I walk down the stairs and turn on the lights, I looked everywhere but there was nothing, I turn around and see the one and only Peter Pan, seeing as he dressed very fancy like and had a giant smile on his face, I blacked out.

When I woke I was back in my room "I knew it was to good to be true" I sigh and close the window "what is to good to be true" I turn around and see him again "Peter?!" A smile grew on my face, I quickly ran to him as he picked me up and spun me around "but, they said you were dead!" I hugged him and cried in his neck "technically, I am" I pull back from the hug "what?" He kisses my lips "well... Emma went to go save hook and brought the underworld up to storybrooke so... I'm back" and evil grin grew on his lips "now, let's go cause some trouble" I kiss him and remember just how soft his lips were, I pulled back "let's go."

Who is excited for this March 6th?! Peter Pan is coming back!!!!!  AHHHH!!!!!!! Sorry, got carried away. Anyways thanks for sticking with me for this long I mean 60k! Really that's freaking amazing! <3

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