Fallen Star

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"Brother please it doesn't have to be this  way!" Nightmare growled and snapped creating a portal behind me I was on guard and was curious as to why the portal was behind me was he going to attack me from behind!? I turned to the portal but instead of Nightmare appearing in front of me he pushed me into it from behind Dang it! I was in the air falling to the ground oh no this is going to hurt! I plummeted into the snow and I heard snow crunching infront of me I wanted to raise my head and see whom or what it was but I was drained of energy the last thing I saw was a big skeleton turn me over he had a big crack in his head and looked really worried he opened his mouth saying something but I couldn't hear him then everything when black.

I heard screaming and I saw someone fall from the sky was it a human? Monster? Perhaps Food? It caught my interest so I walked over to where I saw the thing fall at I soon got closer and saw it was a skeleton my stomach was upset I wouldn't eat a skeleton they don't taste good. Where did they come from? Were they hurt? They had blood and black goop smeared here and there all over them and their clothes were dirty. I set my axe down beside me and turned the smaller skeleton over to see they were hurt they looked like they were going to faint. "Hey are you alright? You just fell from the sky." The smaller skeleton fainted just then I shook them a bit but they were out cold. "Ah crap, Hey stay with me buddy wake up" I picked the small skeleton up and began walking home with them over my right shoulder and held my axe in left hand I opened the door and put my axe in the umbrella holder with the other weapons and one broken umbrella there. I closed the door and put the small skeleton on the couch and just then my brother speaks from the kitchen. "SANS WELCOME HOME BROTHER I'M MAKING SPAGHETTI" I sighed. "Alright Paps, Where did you put the damn first aid?!?" I soon found the first aid. "Never mind Paps. "WHY DO YOU NEED THE FIRST AID BROTHER YOU USUALLY NEVER HAVE A SCRATCH ON YOU DID YOU... BRING.. SOMEONE HOME?......." I ignored his questioning and he came out to see me tending to the smaller skeleton and he sighed before going back to making Spaghetti. I finished healing and bandaging The small very cute skeleton and left em on my couch maybe this skeleton was so cute because maybe It's a Girl but she doesn't use ecto or something It's doesn't matter. That might be why I find the Skeleton Cute I'm Gay or at least I thought I was maybe I have turned Bisexual?!? I went to the Kitchen to help my Brother with the Spaghetti he made for Dinner.

I sat up opening my eyes slowly wait where am I don't remember seeing A Au's Sans and Papyrus's house with bloodstains amd weapons in a umbrella holder I shook off my fear and was about to get off the couch but I layed down quickly and silently closing my eyes forcefully but made it look like I was sleeping or resting then I heard the voice of the Papyrus in this Au. "Papyrus: SANS I'LL BE RECALIBRATEING MY TRAPS MAKE SURE THEY EAT ONCE THEY ARE AWAKE " then I heard a Sanses voice with a bit of a nervous deep tone. "Sans: Sure thing Paps I'll cya Later" The door slammed closed and The Sans went to the Kitchen and came back and shook me making me open my eyes and I spoke quietly. "Where am I?.." I flinched hard as someone touched me and then I heard his voice and I was utterly frightened  by his appearance and his tone of voice. "Horror: Heya doll ya know it's not nice to listen to someone else who's not faking to be awake."

They flinched and looked up at me in Horror as I spoke they grew even more fearful of me. "Heya doll ya know it's not nice to listen to someone else who's not faking to be awake." I was tired of the fear in this small skeletons eyes I sighed with a blank expression then I went to the Kitchen and grabbed a plate and placed a sandwich that I had made earlier for myself I also got a glass of water for the skeleton in my living room. I walked in to see the smaller skeletons eyes dart at me and fear returned to their face I placed the food and drink on the table in front of them they looked confused for a moment but then smiled and the smaller skeletons Eyelights lit up and sparkled.  ✨ "Sans: T-thanks for your offer of food and water." I nodded trying not to smile or scare the other. They took a bite of the sandwich and their expression twisted but they swallowed the bite they took and put the sandwich then gulped down the water.

I left the sandwich alone after that first bite I didn't want to be rude but there was something gross about that sandwich I smiled bitterly and the bigger skeleton laughed. "Sans: You didn't have to eat it if you didn't like it" "W-what was even in there?" The Sans grinned and I felt uncomfortable. "Actually- I kinda don't want to know." I looked around at and studied the other from the couch I was sitting on.

"Staring can be rude your lucky I don't mind a Short Cutie like you looking" I smirked vaguely and the other's face got yellow spreading out softly at my words it was cute. "Hey I have a few questions shorty" The smaller skeleton nodded and waited for my questions"

(H=Horror; D=Dream)

H: "What's your name?"

D: "My name is Dream"

H: "I'm Horror, Where did ya come from?"

D: "Dreamtale, what Au are we in?"

H: "Welcome to Horrortale doll. Say what's your Paps like?"

D: "Paps? Oh! I don't have a Papyrus as a brother I have a Sans as a Brother His name is Nightmare he's uhhh... Evil now he wasn't always like that He used to be sweet and wasn't so negative like he is now and his form completely changed he used to be as white as snow like me but now he's covered in a black goopy substance.... we were just fighting and he pushed me into this portal that brought me here."

H: "Give me a second I need to process...
Alright uh well that's interesting and I can't confirm it but are you a boy or a girl?!?"

D: "Hmph well I'm a boy why would you think otherwise!"

H: "You look like a girl and your voice is soft and kinda high pitched sorry now I know Hehehe that makes you even cuter to me now"

D: "What!? S-shut up I'm not cute I'm just as handsome looking as you!"

H: "Pfft whatever cutie"

I blushed in frustration. I can't tell if he's flirting and teasing me for fun or what he's doing "I should probably get going Horror it was nice meeting you but I outta get home" Horror raised an eyebrow.

(Logic don't exist for me remember that)

I got up as did dream he walked over near me heading for the door but I gently pulled him to me and I held him in a dip and said seductively with joking intentions. "Hey baby boy whats the rush?~ How about we study each other's body's more we can get more handsy and lose the shirts what do ya say doll?~" I pulled on his shirt and stuck out my red tongue Dream blushed embarrassedly and pushed me away and I began laughing hard "I'm joking!" Dream pushed me back a bit and huffed as he walked pass me and out the door I followed him out and stood in the doorway. Dream opened a portal and looked at me once again I waved and blew him a kiss. "Cya Later cutie" Dream raised his voice. "Dream: I won't be coming back here Horror so maybe you should just sat goodbye you creep!" I chuckled and just waved and smiled softly as he went through the portal then it disappeared. "He'll be back Hehehe"

~KillerSD23 Writing out~

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