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Horror: "I hate Ink..."

Dream: I had a nervous confused face. "Is that all?" Horror Shook his head. Oh great..

Horror: I sighed blushing and knew it was time I didn't care the Ink and Dream were together I just wanted Dream to final know how I feel I don't want to wait till the two break up.

Dream: Horror zoned out. "Ahem You were saying?" Horror snapped back into reality.

Horror: "R-right sorry, I also... Well. Mm... Dream I like you and not in the friendly way. I know you have a Boyfriend but I don't care, I want you to know how I feel! I love you Dream." I quietly waited for a response Dream's face just turned Yellow and he got up and left the bathroom leaving me to sit alone in the bathroom. This was a stupid Idea wasn't it? I opened a portal and went home.

Dream: I went to the guest room. I had to figure this out. "I just got back with my Ex and I'm happy about it and now my Best friend is confessing his love for me!" I paced around the room thinking and trying to understand how to solve the situation. "Oh if only Blue were here, He'd know what to say to me"
I sighed and thought it over realizing this was a me problem. I decided that I would go talk to Horror. I went back to the bathroom and saw he wasn't there and I realized that he must have gone home I thought from experience. I opened a portal to Horrortale and went To Horror's house. I Knocked on the door and Horror answered and Slammed the door in my face I was shocked. "Horror please let me in we need to talk I promise I'm not mad." Horror opened the door shyly and let me in.

Horror: "So what did you want to talk about?.." I said nervously also realizing what I said was stupid so I was mentally facepalming.

Dream: "Well I need your advice first so I'm going to tell you a story." Horror listened to the whole explanation about the Ink Situation of the past and present.

Horror: I was shocked by the whole thing it made me Hate Ink more. "I swear I'll kill that bastard." I mumbled lowly as to not alarm dream. "He obviously is only using you dream I'm being your honest best friend right now." Dream nodded taking in the advice I said.

Dream: I sighed realizing that Horror was most likely right. I looked at Horror whom was sitting a few feet from me gosh he looked so good. He is very good to me I don't know how he held back his feelings all this time from me. I went over to Horror with a smile and paused in front of him and lifted his chin and then began to get closer leaning towards him for a kiss.

Horror: Dream came over to me and lifted my chin up and we locked gaze Dream began to lean in for a kiss. I quickly Grabbed him and pulled him into a big kiss and Dream leaned in even though I could tell he was a little mad about not being able to lead. We soon broke the Kiss and Blushed at each other with weak nervous smiles. "S-so does this mean?.."

Dream: I slowly nodded. "Well only if you want to, because I'm okay with it."

Horror: "I think I'd like that, I've been waiting for a while now it's a bout time!" I chuckled softly and soon tears began flowing down my face.

Dream: Horror began crying. "Hey what's wrong Horror!" I tried to comfort him with a Hug and he soon hugged back slowly calming down.

Horror: "I- iii *Hic I just never thought that my wish... *Hic would actually come true....." I wiped away my Tears and Dream just held onto me.

Dream: "Happy Tears I see. I still don't really to see you cry Horror" I kissed the top of his head and we cuddled staying put for hours until..

~KillerSD23 Writing out~

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