Cute together

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Dream: I sat up slowly yawning. Horror pulled me back down and I squeaked at the sudden movement. He smiled gently at me and kissed my face all over and I Blushed and cuddled up with him.

Horror: "5 minutes okay?" Dream nodded and I grinned and laid my head on his. "I love you Dreams"

Dream: I smiled a kisses him. "I love you too Horror lots and lots" The door flew open startling us both we sat up in a panic. Horror's Brother came in and was taking pictures.

Papyrus: "Morning lovebirds!" I put my phone down and smiled brightly. "Breakfast is ready come downstairs soon please" I left closing the door behind me.

Horror: "S-sorry about that, I had no idea he'd do that" I scratched the back of my head. Dream laughed cutely and tugged at me.

Dream: "Come on love, let's go eat Breakfast!"

The End

~KillerSD23 Writing out~

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