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Dream: "Happy Tears I see. I still don't really like to see you cry Horror" I kissed the top of his head and we cuddled staying put for hours until..      His Brother opened the door and caught us holding on each other. We Blushed embarrassedly and even pushed each other away and Horror fell onto the ground. I gasped. "Horror!"

Papyrus: "Oh Dear God, Brother are you okay?!" I rushed over helping him up with dream.

Horror: I smiled nervously and mumbled. "Yeah I'm okay bro." He helped me up and greeted dream and gave me a little glare with a smirk that made me blush harder. "Cut it out with your stupid stares, I can explain."

Papyrus: I looked at the two fawning skeletons with a smirking glare. "Oh I'm sure you can. Finally you got your shit together and went for your cutie!" I laughed while the others were blushing horror was angry. I stopped and rolled my eyelights. "I'm not sorry, can't hide anything from Papyrus!"

Dream: "Well at least he's not mad"

Horror: "He's actually been urging me to ask you out he's like in the ship club along with Blue and others I suppose." Dream looked shocked.

Dream: "Wait there's a group! What! How? When?!" I was so surprised about finding this out.

Papyrus: "Yes it's the Shipping Match Making Experts Group Or SMMEG for short I can't wait to tell everyone that your together now!"

Dream: "Alright well that's... Interesting. Maybe I should go to settle the things with Ink."

Horror: "That bastard.. , I'm coming with."

Papyrus: "Settle things with Ink? Who's that and what are you settling?!"

Dream: Horror and I told the story explaining everything and Papyrus was surprisingly good at understanding.

Papyrus: "Well I don't want to keep you longer, get going you too. But, be home for Dinner." The two lovers left and I cried a little. Proud of my brother and began to text the SMMEG. About Horror and Dream Getting together before starting dinner.

~KillerSD23 Writing out~

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