Saw it coming

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Dream: "I Hugged Ink and he hugged me back and gave me Kisses I blushed happily. Ink was all I wanted It's been a lovely first few weeks. But one day Ink left my house without saying anything and it left me curious but I didn't mind it at first until ink made excuses to me that I would be alright that he loved me and liked all the affection I gave him even though he hadn't been around much lately and I haven't given him any affection. I was confused and unhappy and then one day Ink came over with error side by side they were drunk and were all over each other whispering sweet nothings I separated them hated how they were being but knew it was only because they were drunk I hoped. Then a few nights later Ink came to my house he wasn't drunk but he had hickeys all over his neck. I yelled at him demanding an explanation and what he told me next shattered me whole view on Ink. He said. 'Your such a fucking buzz kill this is why I chose to have my way with Error now go back to your sad little life before I kick your ass off the Star Sanses you fucking cunt! I'm leaving.' How could he do that Blue how could he say such mean things to me I did nothing to deserve this!" I cried.

Blue: I pulled Dream close into a hug. "Look Dream I know your hurting because of Ink. Don't you remember me telling you over and over to get your head out of the clouds. He's not worth it and you deserve much better and I'm sure there's different guys out there who wouldn't do what Ink did and would love you a lot." I wiped away dream's tears and stroked his head. "Would you want to stay here tonight buddy?" Dream nodded and closed his eye sockets and soon drifted off to sleep. I tucked him in blankets on the couch and carefully moved and left him on the couch to sleep. I went to my room and sat on  my bed. I got a call fell Sans I answered the call.

B: Hello fell, what's up buddy?

F: Blue your late! You and Honey are late this time to the monthly dinner we always have The Classics and my brother and I are worried. Are you okay what's going on Blue?

B: Oh dear I got lost listening to dream and forgot what time it was I'm so sorry. I'll be there in no later than 10 minutes Fell I promise!

F: Hold up what's up with dream though???

B: Heartbroken by Ink he's sleeping on the couch taking a nap rn.

F: Well that's unfortunate for him.

B: I saw it coming I told him that it was a bad Idea in the first place. He  didn't listen..

F: Blue it's not your fault you did your best trying to talk dream out of it. It's his own fault for not listening to you.

B: Yeah I guess so.

F: Hey is he going to be alright all alone? It's not good to leave him alone like that he needs someone to supervise him.

B: Oh I know I'll get Horror to watch over him tonight!

F: Horror?... Are you serious?

B: Dream and I know him personally Fell.. he's not a bad person.

F: alright, not saying he is bad. I'll see you and Honey soon.

Blue: Fell hung up and I called Horror.

~KillerSD23 Writing out~

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