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Horror: I knocked on Blue's house door and he quickly opened the door.

Blue: "Thanks for coming buddy sorry I can't chat a little more Paps and I have that Dinner. Papyrus let's go!" My brother ran down the stairs fastening his belt.

Horror: I chuckled a bit. "Have a great time don't worry about Dream I can take good care of him Blue." Blue smiled and thanked me. I watched The brothers leave in a portal and watched it close before going inside and closed and locked up the house. I looked at Dream and walked over to him and fixed the blanket that was slipping off of him then placed a pillow under his head. He was so calm when he slept I noticed there were tears on his face I wiped them away carefully trying to not to wake him. "I wonder why he was crying." I whispered. I got up and went to the Kitchen to make some tea.

Dream: I woke up and sat up yawning I looked around to see Blue was gone. I heard some shuffling in the kitchen. It was probably Blue making Dinner I went to check out what he was making. "What's for dinner Blue?" I saw Horror and no blue. I was confused when did he get here and where's Blue? I squeaked when horror turned with a gentle small smile. His face was cute!?- I blushed a little at the thought and tried pushing it away. "W-where Is Blue??"

Horror: I turned back around turning off the water I made for the tea. "Blue had a Dinner with Tale and Fell it's a annual thing so he asked me to come over and watch you." Dream looked a bit disappointed but nodded as he looked off to the side. "So by what you said earlier I'll take it that you haven't had dinner yet right?"

Dream: I chuckled nervously "Yeah-" Horror offered to make dinner for me. "No you really don't have to"

Horror: "I insist plus I haven't eaten yet either so I was going to cook fix something for dinner anyways." Dream was acting weird maybe it was because of the bad day He had? The least I can do is make him feel better with a meal. I began pouring myself a cup of tea. "Want some Tea? I just made it." I grinned and Dream nodded smiling nervously still hopeful he'll calm down soon. I got out another mug and poured some tea for Dream and walked over to him and placed his mug on the table and sat down soon motioning for Dream to come sit down. Dream sat down and took a sip of his tea he smiled less nervous than earlier which made me smile and blush happily.

Dream: I relaxed as I drank the tea and soon Horror got up and began making dinner from what it looked like it seemed that we were going to have some kind of pasta dish with chicken?? I pondered on the dish he was making I was clueless about what he was making. I took sips of my tea and watched as Horror worked in the Kitchen. I was blushing for some reason I had thought about what it would be like to date Horror and then I remembered our first hangout and realized that that was kinda a date he was wearing a suit and I was wearing some unusual things for just a hangout. We had both had flowers for the other as well.. I was blushing for a while and then tears began to form. I realized That I had most likely missed my chance to be with Horror. I began to sob starting to believe that I'd be alone forever.

Horror: I had just finished preparing the chicken Alfredo and set it in the oven to bake and then I heard Dream Sobbing I washed hands and rushed over to him and hugged him. "Hey you don't have to say what's wrong but I want you to know that your going to be okay you have friends like Me and Blue to help you alright." He hugged me back and began Crying some more I rubbed his back and held him close trying to comfort him.

Dream: I soon stopped the waterworks I didn't feel deserving of Horror as a friend at all but he's a keeper so I wanted to try to be okay for him at the moment. A timer went Ding and Horror rushed to the over taking out Dinner it didn't have a welcoming smell so I was unsettled by the dish sight and smell. Horror sat back down letting the dish cool.

Horror: I drank my tea any smiled. "Oh man I can taste the chicken Alfredo already this is going to be good." Dream looked at me like I was a little crazy he looked confused. "Haven't you had Chicken Alfredo before?" Dream shook his head. "Well I hope you like it, if not I can make you something different." I was nervous knowing that this would be a new food experience for dream I didn't want my stupid cooking to mess it up so I worried lots about it.

Dream: Horror looked nervous it was kinda scary. I promised to o horror in my mind that no matter how bad it was that I'd eat it all.
Horror soon served us and I picked up my fork and took a bite. It was delicious I finished the first serving in minutes Horror's Face lit up seeing my enjoyment and I went to get seconds. Soon we finished the entire Dish and being Full we went to the living room I sat down and Horror sat down a few inches away from me and we relaxed watching some T.V.

Horror: I grew tired. I yawned and went to get a few blankets and pillows out and I fell asleep on the other side of the couch not wanting to crush Dream as I slept. I drifted to sleep peacefully.

Dream: I saw Horror Asleep and He looked so tired Poor Thing. I turned off the T.V. and tried to sleep as well but couldn't. "H-Hey Horror?" He said Hmm in response. "Are you awake?"

Horror: I opened one of my eye sockets and replied to him. "No I'm still sleeping" Dream threw a pillow at me and I sat up. "Yeah, yeah I'm awake." I sighed tired.

Dream: "Sorry I just can't sleep for some reason" Horror shook his head.

Horror: I grinned a bit. "Come on doll we haven't all night say what you want."

Dream: "Help sleeping..." I was too embarrassed to ask to sleep with him. I blushed nervously.

Horror: "Come over here you sissy"
Dream crawled over and got under the blankets with me. I blushed a little and was now completely cozy.
"Ya think you can sleep now?"

Dream: "Maybe, yeah I think so." I was blushing hard I was lucky the lights were off or I would have looked like a nightlight.

Horror: I chuckled a little. "You better or I'll put you to sleep." We both laughed a bit and then I closed my eyes pretending to sleep.

Dream: I cuddled up with Horror and he held my close. I felt safe and warm and soon I fell asleep.

Horror: I opened my eyesockets and smiled as Dream slept and whispered. "Goodnight cutie"

~KillerSD23 Writing out~

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