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Dream: It's been weeks since the accident Blue said that he'd try to sort it all out. I never heard anything from blue until today. So I went over to blue's house cause he said he had something to tell me and it was important. I knocked on the door. Blue opened the door and instantly hugged me and was crying. "Blue what's wrong!?"

Blue: "Horror, I can't find him Pap can't either we tried contacting him. We went to his house and his brother said he left one day and Horror only left him a note he didn't even see him before he left the last time he saw him was that night!-" I broke into more tears.

Carrot: I picked up my brother calming him and spoke to dream. "We asked everyone we knew and everyone we knew that was in contact with horror, we even asked Error the code master and he said there was nothing he could do even if he wanted to." Dream looked upset. "Hey Kid don't sweat it we'll find him eventually."

Dream: "This is my fault remember... I will find him!" I stormed off.

Carrot:"Blue he's gone you can stop fake crying." Blue began to get quite and sat upright still in my arms.

Blue: "Do you think Dream can fix his problem?" I sighed gently.

Carrot: "Not our place to say. My problem is right here." I smiled a little.

Blue: "Hey what's that supposed to mean!?" Papyrus began tickling me. "Hey papy no!- Hahaha"

Carrot: "Papy Yes!"

(Out of Swaptale)

Dream: I teleported to Horrortale and went to the house were Horror's brother was in I hoped. I knocked and Horror's brother was there and he recognized me.

Papyrus: "Dream?" He nodded smiling nervously. "Come in." Dream went inside and sat down on the couch and I closed the door and went upstairs and opened Horror's door and went inside and careful said my words remembering the plan the Blue and Carrot had and my part in it. "Brother someone is here to see you it's quite important." Sans got up and I left and went to back to the living room and smiled at dream then entered the kitchen.

Dream: I was confused and waited for Horror's brother to come back.

Horror: I came downstairs and saw dream sitting down in my living room I froze and wondered what he was doing here I couldn't talk to him I ran back to my room. But Papyrus came up and dragged me out.

Dream: I saw Horror being dragged down the stairs. Wait what!? I thought Blue said- Maybe he found him??? Horror was set on the couch across from me and His brother said to horror that I was their guest and he gave his brother a certain look then walked into the kitchen again.

Horror: I looked over at dream once the grumbled to myself and looked away angrily and bored. I didn't want to talk to this guy nor see his breathe... taking face.... Great now I have good thoughts about him again. Dream began to talk but I didn't look at him but I did listen.

Dream: Horror looked pissed about this situation. "Look I know your mad..." He didn't even look at me. "Alright your really mad at me and you have every right to be. What I said to you that night was not okay and I regret how I treated you back then but the past is the past Horror. And I-" Horror cut me off.

Horror: "Oh shut the fuck up do you even here yourself playing your guilt cards. 'the past is the past' The damage is done dream. Is apologizing to me the only reason you came for cause you screwed that up too and if that was it get the fuck out of my home!" I glared at dream angrily for a moment waiting for him to just leave.

Dream: Come on dream you can fix this right!?- But he's not blue. I locked eyes with horror. But he's still Horror the one I first met the one with that sweet side on that hang out. And I can bring him back hopefully. "I came looking for you because Blue said you were gone that you had left home and your brother didn't know where you were either and Blue was crying so badly and that made me worry not just about Blue but about you too because this whole thing is my fault. I came here to look for Horror not a monster. I make mistakes nobody is perfect Horror I'm not a exception neither are you. Please let's put this behind us we don't have to forget it but, I don't want you to feel the pain that I caused it's not okay. We can start over!" I looked at horror and he seemed less mad. I waited for a response.

Horror: "Well blue was right I was lost, mentally look here." I pulled off my jacket to show my cuts and a few of them were fresh. Dream gasped in horror and put his hands over his mouth. "What you said that night hurt me coming from you because you didn't even really know me to be making that kind of claim and I know you definitely weren't talking about me being part of the monster race. I care about people's opinions a lot more than people think I would I... I can be very emotional kinda how you saw me that night." My eyelights reappeared and I a few Tears began to for and I didn't expect it but dream got up and rushed over to me and hugged me and wiped away my tears. "Sorry just a little emotional right now but thanks dream... We can start over."

Dream: I smile and picked up Horror's hand and shook it. "Hi my name is Dream what's yours?"

Horror: I laughed a little and smiled. "Hi my name is Horror a pleasure to meet you Dream."

~KillerSD23 Writing out~

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