Stupid Thoughts

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Dream: I sighed arriving home I opened my  house door and went inside closing it behind me and plopped down onto my couch. "Well I'm home" I sighed in relief and then it got quiet and then thoughts started coming into my mind. Why of all Au's did my brother drop me in did it have to be called Horrortale!? I blushed as I thought about Horror Sans just remembering almost everything he said to me. He was quite a nice guy now that I think of it he could have left me to stay hurt or die in the cold snow... No dream stop thinking about him he's just a foolish guy messing with a guardian. I huffed as I let myself slip and I just kept thinking about him "I wonder what Horror is doing right now Now that I think about it I don't know what he does because if he was a judge then I would see him at the judge meetings. The judge meeting the meeting today! Oh no I almost forgot about it I need to get there in the next minute I sighed not wanting to go but it was part of my duty to be there. I opened another portal and went through with 3 minutes to spare I went to take me place next to Ink and Blue and sighed and had a frown on my face for a moment then I smiled waiting for the meeting to start. "Blue: Hey Dream are you alright you usually get here earlier than this" "Oh sorry I just got back from a fight with Nightmare there were no victories this time either" Blue nodded and smiled and then the meeting began and then 10 minutes into the meeting to my surprise the main doors slammed open and In ran Horror "Sorry I'm late Ink" I was totally in shock and so where others confusion echoed throughout the room Ink smiled Gently. "Ink: Glad you still made it Horror just have a seat in one of the empty seats" What in the holy Multiverse was going on did Horror read my thoughts no Ink welcomed him why did he show up if he was a judge today of all days!? Was he following me? The meeting soon ended an hour later and Horror walked over to Ink, Blue, and me. He had a gentle smile on his face as he and Ink hugged then let go. "Ink: I knew you would show up one of these days did your brother finally become okay to be by himself?" Horror shook his head I wondered how long Ink and Horror knew each other and it was annoying me just to be near Horror once again in the same day this was just so stupid and unexpected! "Horror: I felt like today was the day I've been bugging Paps for weeks we figured it out though. The other Papyrus's he is friends with gladly went off with him to all hang out so I was late a bit. Again sorry for that Ink" Ink and Horror Rambled on a bit and Blue and I had to stay next to Ink because that was the rule during these type of meetings it was stupid Ink thought of it it's stupid I don't like it I don't want to be here. I want to be in my bed sleeping with my pillow with the Star print on it! They finally stopped talking Horror winked at me and pulled me to the side I blush ed a little. "Horror: Hey dream buddy, what a surprise I didn't think I'd see ya here. Your welcome to visit me anytime ya know if your not busy tomorrow do you want to hang out?" I wanted to say no so badly but then I realized I should probably just say yes I was being rude to him earlier anyways that wasn't fair to him... I smiled nodded he smiled excitedly and blushed happily then he handed me a note. "Horror: Here call me tomorrow and we can meet up somewhere to hang out unless you just want to hang out at my house again" I blushed embarrassedly and shook my head a bit. "Y-yeah I'll call you"

(Sorry for making you suffer if you wanted to comment on a specific part)
~KillerSD23 Writing out~

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