Just a 'Hangout'

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Papyrus slammed the door opened and dragged me out of bed by my leg I sighed and rubbed my eyes. "P-papyrus what time is it and why are you taking me to the bathroom?"

(Possibly the only Papyrus that's gunna be in the story so he shall be called Papyrus okay.)
I picked up my brother and put him on his feet "Well you don't wanna be late or looking trashy for that date of yours with Dream do you Sans!?" Sans shrugged and blushed lightly "Horror:Paps it's only a hangout" I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "Well surely you don't know that they are basically that same thing you called it a hangout to get to know him right?" Sans Nodded, I smirked. "Than it's a date Sans no doubt about it"

Shit is that true I mean I honestly don't know but I guess that's why Dream looked nervous yesterday when I asked him to hangout with me "Paps let's get me ready for that date thingy" Papyrus squealed with excitement and ran out going to my room I think to get me his expectations of the perfect outfit as I got in the shower getting washed up.

(In Dreamtale)

I woke up to the sounds of birds singing I got up I showered got dressed in my everyday outfit and ate breakfast. I felt my phone start vibrating in my pocket I took it out seeing the label of the contact was Horror I totally forgot that he was gunna call me for the hangout I sighed then answered the call.

D: "Hello?"

H: "Hey Dream goodmorning are you ready for our hangout?"

D: "Yeah I'm pretty much ready Horror, um where do I meet you at?"

H: "Meet me in front of my house alright"

D: "I'll be there in a few minutes"

H: "Okay cya soon"

D: "Yeah"

I hung up the call and shoved My phone back into my pocket I was getting up and I thought maybe I should change I then felt like that it wasn't important or a date or anything Just a normal hangout I blushed at the thought of it being a date "Hmm... well I'll change only for my comfort" I hurried to my room and began getting changed.

Dream's outfit:

(In Horrortale)

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(In Horrortale)

I was forced into a suit by Papyrus he insisted that was the best outfit I had for this hangout date thingy and I refused and we fought about for a while I gave up and just put it on.

Horror's outfit:

Horror: Papyrus took a look at me and smiled but the frowned "Papyrus: Something is missing

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Horror: Papyrus took a look at me and smiled but the frowned "Papyrus: Something is missing... I got it!" He snapped his fingers then went outside and came back with some Yellow flowers and he handed them to me and I held them In my hand.

Papyrus: "Aw! You look so great brother I'm so happy your going on your first unofficial date!" I squeezed Sans and then stopped and we both walked outside in await for the short yellow guy apparently named Dream. This was my second time seeing him but I got a better look at him and smiled knowing he was going to do my brother wonders.

(In Dreamtale and soon going back to Horrortale)

Dream: I had a blue flower in a vase and I picked it out of its old home and then walked out my door locking it behind me then, I smiled ready to go I opened a portal to Horrortale and walked in and it closed behind me. I was in front of Horror's house and I saw him and his tall brother geez they both appeared so scary and they still do shoot- I smiled and walked up to Horror and his brother they both smiled. "Hey Horror and Papyrus" The Papyrus smiled then turned away about to walk back inside and he said. "Papyrus: Bring him back by 9" Papyrus then closed the door and I was alone with Horror. I looked at Horror's suit he looked pretty fine in a suit.. My soul was beating in my chest. He had some pretty flowers in his hand. "Horror: Hehehe ya know he's just joking about the bringing me back time." I chuckled and nodded nervously. I looked down at my blue flowers In my hand I blushed embarrassedly and pushed my hands out "I got you these flowers I thought that giving then to you would be a good way to thank you for yesterday when you saved me.."

Horror: I blushed and exchanged the yellow flowers in my hand "Daww it was nothing I got these flowers for ya case they remind me of you and you remind me of the sun" I smiled and Dream smiled as he looked at the flowers and blushed softly. Did he really like the flowers I got him!? Ooh how exciting. "Well cutie we wanna get a move one before it gets dark so let's roll out" Dream nodded and I couldn't see his anger at me for calling him cutie I laughed a bit and opened a portal and walked through first backwards with a fun smile. I landed perfectly on my feet and got ready to catch Dream just in case he didn't deal with the height well.

Dream: I sighed and went through and found myself falling I yelled in terror remembering how nightmare pushed me out of a higher portal. I couldn't brace for impact I couldn't think straight I was then caught and looked up to see Horror holding me with a nervous smile. "Horror: Oops sorry Dream did I scare ya badly you look like-" I scowled and jumped off of him and pulled his collar down to my face level so we could see eye to eye. "Don't take me for some wimp and I'm not here cause I want to be your friend or anything I'm here cause I owe you for saving my life" I let go but he stayed looking into my eye sockets I eased my expression looking away blushing until Horror started to speak.

Horror: I sighed and huffed and got up standing up right. "No I don't take ya for a wimp I think your pretty strong. You don't have to want to be my friend I don't want to be yours either way I feel like I should be more." I blushed embarrassedly I said that shot without thinking I'm fucking doomed he won't hang out with me after this Ahhhh- I'm desperate pls creators give me another chance! "Dream: Hmm well after this hangout maybe just maybe you'll be best friend material instead of just friend no promises tho!-" I nodded feeling relieved well he must he decently pure thank you creators.

~KillerSD23 Writing out~

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