Fun Fun Fun

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[ I wanna take the time to thank the artist Credit to them but this pic is just perfect ]

Horror: we were at a park and there was boats touring a nice area dream wanted to get on and feed the ducks on the way to the other side where the tour is supposed to end. I agreed that it sounded like fun so we got bread and paid to get on the boat and fed lots of ducks on the way dream was so happy when the duck ate the food he sent their way. I loved watching him laugh and smile he was too cute for his own good the tour ended and we got off and began scanning the area.

Dream: Horror spotted a cute little Cafe not to far away so we went after we both agreed to go and we sat down and looked at the menus. I decided to get some pastries and a lemonade, Horror wanted a sandwich and a sweet tea. We ordered and got our food and drinks in about 10 - 15 minutes  after we finished our Cafe food I payed for the food because I insisted on it the waiters heard us arguing for quite a while it was embarrassing we apologize and got out of there laughing are heads off as we ran through one of the alleys and found ourselves by a beautiful small river area there were lots of flowers and we sat down talking for quite a bit of time as we layed down side by side I was happy talking to Horror it wasn't just the positivity telling me that, it was myself I thought he was quite annoying but he can do that when he wants to be there's this whole other cute side of him that is refreshing to get to know. I felt different around him a different feeling than I've ever expected. It was sorta like happiness but alot stronger I guess you could say... I dunno but I liked it.

Horror: We were relaxing and I looked at my phone and read the time and shoved it back into my pocket. "Hey dream can I ask ya a personal question?" He looked over at me and shrugged. "Dream: Sure what do you want to know?" He said without giving it another thought. "Do you have a partner?" Dream smiled and sat up I nervously. "Dream: Sure I do Ink and Blue were the Star Sanses" I laughed and shook my head. "Pfft No silly I meant like a lover!" Dream shook his head. "Me either" I stuck out my tongue making a silly face then Dream and I laughed. "Ya ready to go dream?" He nodded smiling and got up as did I. I created a portal and walked through and stuck my hand through reaching for his hand signaling it was okay. Dream took my hand, I blushed and he walked through and I closed the portal. He leaned close and layed his head on my shoulder and gave me a hug my soul was pounding but I hugged back I wanted to kiss him a second ago but I remembered he only came to hang out with me today because He owed it to me... I sighed and patted Dreams head with a soft smile

Dream: I blushed softly as we parted from the hug. "Well cya best friend we should hang out another time" I smiled and Horror did too I opened a portal and backed away into it. I closed it plopping onto my bed thinking.

Horror: I blushed happily and skipped inside and told Papyrus everything. Today was better than I thought it would be. Dream is a great friend but I want more.

~KillerSD23 Writing out~

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