This is all Wrong

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Dream: I woke up with Horror next to me I blushed nervously forgetting that he let me sleep with him so I could sleep last night. I went to make some breakfast, scrambled eggs. I finished and Horror sleepily stumbled into the kitchen and sat at the table I poured orange juice into two cups and then, I got two plates and served Horror and Myself eggs.

Horror: I thanked Dream for breakfast and we had a nice little morning. Soon after there was a Knock at the door I opened it to see Ink. "Can I help you?" Ink smiled.

Ink: "I'm looking for Dream" I looked around horror to see Dream in the Kitchen area with a smile as he was cleaning some dishes. I looked up at Horror waiting for him to let me in.

Horror: I smiled politely even though I was jealous of Ink for being Dream's Boyfriend.. "Hey Dream your Boyfriend is here." I shouted then I stormed off to the bathroom.

Dream: Ink and I watched Horror storm off obviously angry for some reason.

Ink: "Is he alright?" I said a little concerned. Dream nodded nervous.

Dream: "He'll be fine He gets like that sometimes." My smile faded and I closed the door as I went outside. "What the Fuck do you want?"

Ink: I pulled Dream into a Kiss and he melted into the kiss I pulled away slowly. Dream was still in shock I smirked a bit. "Hey Idiot, Become my Toy Yeah?~" Dreams expression grew angry.

Dream: "Go Fuck Error your new boyfriend! I don't get why your back.." Ink had a seductive smile and he held me close.

Ink: "Aw Baby, Sugar, My Little Flower your still angry about that? I'll explain later day you'll come back, I know you're still in love with me~" I nuzzled Dreams nose and he huffed quietly and nuzzled my nose back.

Dream: I blushed feeling like Ink and I never broke up. I felt Happy, but concerned still about the Situation with Error. Ink better have a good explanation about the whole thing. "Alright Ink I'm all yours again. Now go get out of here I gotta clean up Blue's house before he gets home and yells and Horror and I. I'll Cya at my place tonight?"

Ink: "How about my place instead, I'll have a surprise for you their my little flower." Dream nodded and Kissed my cheek and I left.

Dream: I was so happy to be back with Ink, I remembered Horror and I rushed over to the bathroom room and I knocked.on the door. "Horror?"

Horror: "It's Open" I tried to say in a happy tone. Dream entered just as I started wiping my tears away.

Dream: Horror was against the wall next to the shower and I sat on the toilet lid. "Hey buddy what's wrong? Ya know you can speak with me" Horror began crying again.

Horror: "No I can't!" I cried. Dream looked worried and he got down to the floor.

Dream: "Oh why's that?" I was trying to figure out what was wrong with Horror but I just didn't know at all.

Horror: "You won't understand why!... You might get mad at me!!-" I tried wiping my tears away yet I was shaking ant the tears kept flowing down my face. Dream Pulled me into a hug. I soon calmed down and was blushing softly sniffling and wiping away more tears.

Dream: Horror soon calmed down a bit. "Horror Please tell me what's wrong with you and I promise I won't be mad with you." Horror and I stopped hugging.

Horror: "I hate Ink..."

~KillerSD23 Writing out~

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