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Blue: I heard knocking on the door and I peeked through the window. "Dream?" I opened the door. "What are you doing here?"

Dream: "I need to apologize Blue I didn't mean to upset you" I Hugged him and he hugged back and began to pay my back.

Blue: "It's okay ya big Baby, Com in side we can all have tacos for dinner tonight"

Horror: I heard the door shut and I began to wash my hands as I had just finished cooking the taco meat and blue wanted me to cut up the vegetables too.

Dream: Blue led me to the living room and just told me to make myself at home and then went to go get his brother from Muffets. I heard the sound of a knife in the Kitchen and I wondered who it was cause Blue just ran of to get his brother so who else was here?? I walked in the kitchen to see it was horror! I was surprised to see him there and then I remembered Blue and Him we're best buds. I was going to Say hello but he had headphones on and he was using a knife I didn't want to disturb him.

Horror: "Hey Dream what's up?" I laughed as dream jumped when I said something. I pulled down my headphones. "Nothing's playing Hehehe plus I heard Blue talking to you and you talking too." Dream was embarrassed and Looked away I wanted to laugh but held it in. "So what brings you to the kitchen??"

Dream: "Well I wondered who was in the kitchen so I came to check it out and found you." I looked over at horror and got up getting closer curious as to what he was making. "Is blue teaching you how to make Tacos?" Horror grinned proudly and nodded.

Horror: "Wanna try one? They probably aren't as great as how blue makes them but I think they might be a little good." I said and smiled sadly afraid Dream would hate my cooking.

Dream: Horror looked Sad and I wanted to try to be nice to Horror after I had remembered I upset blue and he would be mad at me if I hurt Horror's feelings or anything.  "Well sure I'll try one." I grabbed one taco and took a bite. This isn't bad it's pretty good for Blue teaching him and all. I smiled and took another Bite finishing the whole thing, Horror smiled happily it was nice to see him smile. "This is delicious are you sure you didn't pay someone to make these?~" I teased. Horror didn't like that joke I made. He pulled me close raising my up eye to eye level. I was trembling a little.

Horror:  I whispered in a husky voice and teased back. "Oh shut up there's no way these taste as delicious as I imagine you are~" Dream looked very nervous and his face was now completely yellow. "Gotcha"  I set him down as I heard knocking on the door and I went to opened the door and smiled gently as I saw Blue and his brother Carrot. "Hey guys Dinner is almost ready but I gotta use the bathroom and was of all this steam from cooking blue can you take over? Thanks Buddy" I walked away to the bathroom.

Blue: Pap and I went inside and I headed to the Kitchen while my brother just sat well laid on one of the couches. I saw dream just standing there. "Oh there you are Dream, are you alright?" I sat him down and he told me everything. I laughed. "Wait Horror said something like that you say?! Impossible have you seen him he's just a silly guy and such a far sighted guy like him possibly knows nothing about love or flirting, trust me I know I asked him lots of questions and he's never mentioned love. He always told me when I asked him that he doesn't understand what that is and when I explained it to him he said no. Horror and I were literally talking about this today before you came here so you must be confused Dream" I finished the last Taco and dream helped me set up.

Dream: The rest of the night went smoothly I looked at horror lots when he wasn't looking I wanted to understand why he did what he did when we were alone and why blue had no clue what I was talking about. At one point Horror and I locked eye contact I looked away quickly and angrily. Stupid guy he can really be annoying. Some how I stepped out for a moment and when I came back everyone was asleep but horror wasn't yet I didn't see him anywhere in the living room nor any of the rooms I got to the kitchen and Saw Horror in the kitchen washing the dishes and cleaning up. And I was startled when he spoke.

Horror: "Do come in Dream I don't bite." I mumbled to myself. "For now anyways." Dream got a bit closer and sat on the counter and looked of in the distance.

Dream: "You know for a big guy you really are a pretty quiet." Horror looked a little shocked for a moment but just sighed and smiled.

Horror: "And your pretty bad at secretly watching people." I cornered dream putting on hand on the wall and used the other hand on his lower back and locked eyes with him. "So Dream do you like what you see or are you just window shopping?" Dream Blushed and looked away. I pulled him closer and made him look at me. "Don't be afraid of me I won't hurt you I promise." His yellow hue grew brighter and I blushed gently.

Dream: I was speechless. I had to say something. Something! Come on Dream speak up. "Get away from me you monster!" I was blushing Hard and pushed Horror as hard as I could. He fell over and I just stared and huffed loudly. Tears began to form and falling down Horror's Face.

Horror: My eye lights disappeared. "Monster huh?-" I got up and I didn't look at Dream. "When was I not a monster to you?!!" I opened a portal.

Dream: I got of the counter. And felt bad realizing what I said. "Horror wait!" He looked at me and  looked like a mess I gasped and went silent.

Horror: I turned away "Thought so" I went through the portal and closed it behind me and I knocked on the door but realized my brother wasn't there cause he was with undyne I teleported inside into my room and began bawling  my head off.

Dream: I Put Blue in their rooms and laid on the couch and cried a thinking the whole thing over having a small anxiety attack feeling very guilty. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry" I cried myself to sleep.

~KillerSD23 Writing out~

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