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Dream: Things have been well great Horror and I have gotten a lot more buddy buddy since the day I apologized and He forgave me. Blue, Horror and I all hang out mainly in our free time there have been one on one times with Horror where we will go out for Coffee or dinner and have a fun friendly night. I fixed what I had broken my friendships. Fighting with Nightmare was occasionally when we really had deep talks about our lives and really enjoyed our fights because it meant a little brother bonding time. Really things couldn't get better. I also had just started dating Ink. I've worked my life up to a near as perfection.

Horror: I actually liked being friends with Dream he was really fun yet secretly I still wanted more than this. But I didn't want to say or do anything that would make dream lash out at me again. Also I think I already missed my shot because Dream one day began talk about how cool Ink was and one day I saw them Kissing mouth to mouth. I was heartbroken I took a break from talking to dream he knew something was wrong but I just told him some lie that he believed to make him stay away from me just for a bit. I eventually had to get used to the two dating I had to respect dreams life too.

~KillerSD23 Writing out~

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