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Horror and I sat in DreamTale going over the plan. "Alrighty I'll text Ink right now, hide behind the tree and wait for him to open a portal to his house and then.."

I finished the sentence. "Wait for you guys to go in and follow in quickly and quietly?" Dream nodded and started to text Ink. I got up and then went behind the tree waiting.

A Portal opened a few feet in front of me and I fakely smiled at Ink and he smiled and gave me a hand. I took it and he pulled me up into a unexpected kiss I pulled away blushing nervously. "S-so let's go to your place now Ink" I pulled him towards the open portal.

I didn't mind that Dream pulled away, I moved with him. As I wrapped my arm around him and started walking into the portal with him. Dream and I headed inside.

I went swiftly like a ninja through the portal before it closed. I watched as Ink and Dream went inside. I knocked on the door.

Dream and I had just sat down on the couch and someone knocked at the door. Dream got up before I did.

"I got it, you sit down Ink" Ink sat back down. And I opened the door and Horror walked in and we both faced towards Ink.

I was confused and laughed a little and motioned for them both to sit down. "Hey Horror, what brings you by Buddy?" Horror shook his head and I frowned because Dream also didn't come sit down.

"You and Dream are over, you bastard. I was told everything" I growled at Ink and clenched my fists. Ink just smiled at me and then glared at Dream. Dream just took my hand and stood close to me.

"I see how it is." I stood up and put my hands on my hips and stared Directly at Horror. "You have to fight me for him first."

I opened mouth and paused as dream tugged on me arm. "Dream: Come one Horror, let's just leave, don't fight h-" Ink Cut off Dreams sentence. "Ink: Shut up Drea!." My Anger began to rise and I looked at Dream and he was upset. I couldn't bare to hear another word from Ink. I looked directly into Ink's eyelights. "Shut up." I said in a chilling scary tone Ink started to get nervous I punched Ink knocking him unconscious and opened a portal to my house and Dream and I walked in. I closed it and smiled for approval from dream.

Horror smiled like a puppy it was cute. I sighed and pulled him into a hug and kisses the top of his head. "Let's go eat I bet the food is ready." We went inside to eat.

~KillerSD23 Writing out~

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