Chapter 1: Across Dimensions

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Miles Morales had been having a good day. He aced his Spanish test, stopped a convenience store robbery, ended a car chase, and on top of that, he finished binge watching "The Mandalorian" with his friend, Ganke. He would have even said it was a great day, if it wasn't for Rhino breaking out of prison for the sixth time this month!

That's right. Six times! Miles was sick and tired of putting this guy in prison over and over again. Why couldn't he just go to his cell and stay there? On top of that the hero always ended up bruised and drained after each fight.

"I'm gonna crush you, puny spider!" Rhino barked as he charged horn-first in Miles's direction. Spider-man leapt out of the way, perching on a nearby street lamp.

"Come on, Man. You say that every time and it never happens," Miles replied with an exasperated sigh as the villain crashed into a car behind him.

Rhino attempted another attack, this time landing a strike on the street pole as the spider evaded his hit. The pole snapped in half and Miles winced as it fell and landed on what looked like a brand new BMW, crushing the hood and shattering the glass on the front windshield.

"I'm sorry to whoever owns that car."

"Look Rhino, I know you really wanna kill me or whatever and that's cool," Miles stated with a shrug, before landing a strong kick to Rhino's jaw, causing his head to snap back from the impact. Rhino let out an enraged growl. "But can we please skip to the part where I knock you out and the nice policemen take you back to jail?" the boy continued, somewhat jokingly.

Rhino threw a fist a Miles. The kid ducked and shot a web at his hand. He jumped onto the back of the giant rhino suit and yanked on the webbing, making, the crook give himself a blow to the face with his own oversized, mechanical fist.

Miles made his way back down to the pavement watching as the civilians ran away from the commotion, screaming. Traffic had been stopped. People were scrambling to abandon their cars and parents were grabbing their children to carry them as far away as possible.

The brief moment that he was distracted was enough of an opening for Rhino. He rushed at Miles and slammed horn-first, into his right shoulder, sending the hero sailing backwards until his back collided with a concrete wall behind him.

Miles groaned, his left hand gravitating to clutch his wounded shoulder. "You could've just said no," he spoke, pain dripping from his voice.

Spider-man's abuser stalked toward him as he staggered to his feet. "Not too easy without your spider-friends huh?" the villain taunted, as he circled him like a predator hunting it's prey. When he charged again, Miles just barely had time to dodge, ducking and rolling out of the way.

He looked behind him just in time to see Rhino run straight into a power line, the wires disconnecting and getting tangled into the limbs of his suit. An electric current raced through the suit and Rhino released a distorted howl of pain. The mechanical suit shook and convulsed until the two glowing red eyes dimmed and the suit made a whirring sound, signaling it powering off.

Rhino collapsed to the ground, the metal making a loud clanging sound as it hit the street below. Miles took one last look at his now unconscious foe, before releasing a breath. "Why can't all of our fights end like this?" he muttered.

Police sirens sounded in the distance and Miles took that as his cue to leave. Despite how much he did to help them, the PDNY officers were not too fond of the masked vigilante, Jefferson Davis probably taking the cake for liking him least.

Using his good arm, Miles swung himself back to his house. It was Saturday, meaning he didn't have to go back to his dorm room and answer Ganke's plethora of questions about how the fight went. He could just go home, crash onto his bed, and sleep.

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