Chapter 12: Anger and Arguments

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After saying a hasty goodbye to Ben Reilly and promising to keep him posted on the whole dimensions-possibly-being-destroyed situation, The six spiders portaled over their sort of base of operations on earth 928.

Miles sat at Miguel's kitchen counter with his head in hands, While his fellow spider-people all shouted their opinions on what they should do with their newfound information. While normally he'd be geeking out over the incredible future-tech in room, right now he's just trying to drown out the arguing.

"We can't just let him go home now! Doc Oc could easily attack him!" Peter growled.

"He can't just not go home," Gwen countered, flinging her arms in exasperation, "I think his parents might notice if he just disappeared."

"I could make a clone of  him," Peni suggests.

"No way!" Peter objects, "No clones. Have you never seen the movies?" He holds up his hand and begins counting with his fingers, "Jurassic park. Gemini Man. Terminator. All bad!"

"Who's this Terminator?" Noir inquired, cocking his head to the side and speaking for the first time in this argument, "He sounds like a person I'd enjoy meeting."

"At least I'm giving ideas, Peter!" Peni huffs stomping her foot like a child.

"I am giving ideas. You all just aren't listening!"

"Are you kidding me?" Gwen sighs in annoyance and runs a hand through her hair- a habit Miles noticed to come out when she's stressed, "Peter, your idea was that we keep him held up in one of our dimensions for- who knows how long?"

"Until we stop Olivia!" Peter groans, loudly, "Am I seriously the only one who cares about his safety?!"

"I'm yelling too!" Ham screeches, hopping up and down on his toes and shaking his fists enthusiastically.

Miles could feel the beginnings of a migraine coming on. He was stressed out enough as it is. This was just the icing on the cake. He shifts his head over to see Gwen and his mouth drops into an 'O' shape at her expression.

Her jaw was clenched tightly and her fists were balled at her sides. Her brows furrowed and Miles found that there was a little vein in her  neck that would made itself slightly more visible when she was angry.

Miles winced as she opened her mouth, but she didn't shout like he had expected. Instead she sighed and shut her eyes. The boy imagined she was counting to ten in her head to cool off.

Peni though, wasn't as calm, "Why would you even say that, Peter?!" She was upset, but Miles assumed that her high voice made it hard for others to take her seriously even with her serious expression- not that he'd tell her that. "Of course we all care about Miles. He's our friend."

"What are we talking about?!" Porker hollers louder than all the rest. Miles clenched his teeth. He really wishes they'd all stop talking (well, yelling).

Peter sighs, "I'm sorry. I just... don't want him to get hurt." His voice softened and the tension in the room began to slowly subside.

"This is so stupid," Gwen mutters, "None of us do, but Miles can't simply disappear of the face of the well... his earth."

Peni turns to Miguel who stands in the far corner of the room with his arms crossed over his chest, his hair somehow still in perfect shape even after wearing his red and dark blue mask. Miles wondered what kind of hair gel he the man used. "Miguel," she asked, causing the man who had been listening quietly to the conversation to lift his head slightly, "What do you think we should do?"

"You know," Miles finally decided to speak up, "I'm still here." He pursed his lips as he lowered his voice to a mumble, "In case you guys forgot." He was tired of them taking about him like he wasn't there. Not that he wants them to talk behind his back, but he just wants a say in it.

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