Chapter 21: We'll Find Her

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Miles nervously paced back and forth in his dorm, panic filling his mind with every heartbeat. 

Gwen hadn't answered any of his texts.

What did that mean?

Was she mad at him? She had said she didn't want to argue, but did that mean she would just cut all contact with him?

Miles didn't mean to upset her. He just knew something was wrong and he wanted to help. Had he gone about it the wrong way? Probably.

"Uhh, Miles?"

Miles head snapped over to the owner of the voice. Ganke held a bewildered expression, and a raised brow as his head cocked to the side in confusion.

Was Ganke upside down or-

"Why are you standing on the ceiling?"

Miles's mouth dropped to an 'O' shape. So, he was the one that wasn't upright. The curly haired boy looked down at his feet. He hadn't noticed his frantic pacing had led him up to the ceiling.

"Miles?" Ganke asked again when he didn't get an answer, "Are you stuck up there or something? Should I get a broom?"

"Gwen hasn't answered any of my texts," Miles ignored his friend's statement, hopping down from his perch as he stumbled up to the other boy with a worried expression.

"That's what this is about? Dude, you're overreacting." Ganke said with a shrug as he ruffled his floppy, black hair.

"I'm not. We had an argument, I pushed her too far, and now she hates me and I've ruined everything." Miles whimpered. He plopped onto his bed and placed his head in his hands with a heavy sigh.

"How long has it been since you texted her?"

Miles peeked through his finger at Ganke, "Almost eleven hours."

The young hero groaned when his friend rose a brow, condescendingly, "Come on, Dude. There's no way you're this clingy."

"What!" Miles squeaked, "I'm not clingy."

Ganke rolled his eyes. "She doesn't text you for half a day and you go ballistic. That's being clingy. I don't answer your texts all the time do you throw a fit then?"


"So, is this really a that big of a deal?"

"I... guess not."

"See. There we go," Ganke clasped his hand to Miles's shoulder, "All sorted out." The boy turned and mumbled under his breath, "Seems like you're the girl in this relationship."



"I have super-hearing!"

Ganke snickered as he sat down his desk chair. He he opened the drawer and pulled out a bag of M&Ms. Then turned back to the matter at hand, "How many texts did you send her?"

"Uhh, like twelve-ish, I think. You think I should send one more?"

"Umm, no," Ganke answered with a raised brow as her ripped open the brown bag. He shook his head dismissively, "Maybe she's just busy, dude. I wouldn't worry about it."

"Yeah, maybe she is or maybe it's something else entirely," Miles's leg bounced restlessly on his seat for a a few seconds and he bit his finger nails anxiously. He felt a familiar sensation in the back of his mind and he suddenly jolted up from his seat as if struck, with a determined look, "I'm gonna go see her."

"Miles, calm down. I'm sure it's nothing. It's Sunday. Maybe she went to church or something."

"For that long? I don't think so. I know she isn't just ghosting me. Something's wrong... I can feel it."

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