Chapter 2: Miguel

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Gwen Stacy saw Miles look at Miguel in awe, obviously admiring his spider-suit, but she could clearly see a bit of confusion evident on his face. "So... why did you make these watches?" he questioned as he rose an eyebrow in suspicion.

Truthfully neither she nor the other spiders were told why we were given these watches and brought here. She actually didn't ask. She was just thrilled at the thought of seeing the others again, especially Miles. Not that she would ever tell him that. After all he was the first friend she had made after years of self-isolation.

"Well I was waiting until everybody arrived to tell you," Miguel stated as he calmly walked toward the doorway.

"Tell us what?" Peni asked with a perplexed look on her face.

Miguel put his hand on the doorknob, but paused. He turned to them with a serious expression and said in a low voice, "There's another threat to the multiverse."

"Of course there is," Peter grumbled as Miguel opened the door and motioned for everyone to follow. Peni, Miles, Gwen, and the Peters followed Miguel down the hallway in silence. There were photos on the wall, but they were moving. It was basically a video in a picture frame. Many of them were Miguel swinging through New York 2099, but some were showcasing other spider-people that they'd never seen before. One of which was of a spider-man in an all red suit with a sleeveless blue hoodie on top. Another had spikes on the head of his mask and around the cuffs of his wrists. He wore a sleeveless jean jacket and held a guitar in his hands.

Gwen only rose an eyebrow, but Miles ran up to picture and gawked at it. "He's so cool! I'm definitely gonna meet him."

She wanted to laugh so badly. She had to put all of her will power into keeping a strait face. Miles could be such a child.

"I see that you're not exactly dressed to impress," Miguel said sarcastically as he gestured to Miles.

Miles looked down at his pajamas and placed his head in his hands as he groaned, "I wasn't exactly planning on being here." He cast Gwen a pointed look and she couldn't help but smirk in response.

At the end of the hall Miguel opened a door and walked through. The other heroes followed and stared in shock and awe at the technology inside. The room was lined with giant screens that seemed to monitor the entire city of flying cars, bikes, trains, and basically everything else you'd see in a sci-fi movie.

"Hey Lyla," Miguel announced, causing a hologram of a female with fair skin and long brown hair to appear in front of us.

Noir's eyes widened and Miles exclaimed, "You have hologram people?!" Miles waved his hand through the hologram as the lady in the hologram gave him a noticeably very irritated expression.

"What? You don't?" Peni replied with a smug smirk tugging at her lips.

"This is Lyla," Miguel began, "She's my AI assistant." He went to his computers and pushed a few buttons before saying, "Lyla can you pull up the lab images?"

"Sure... if this one backs off," she growled in annoyance as she gestured to Miles who was still waving his hand back and forth through her translucent body.

"Oh, s-sorry!" Miles stuttered as he took a few steps back from her and scratched the back of his head in embarrassment.

Lyla rolled her eyes and let out a huff. "Teenagers," she grumbled, "and you say my intelligence is artificial." Miles flushed a deep red at her comment and Peni giggled, while Gwen snickered, and Peter just flat out belly laughed.

"Lyla, can you just show them?" Miguel pressed. Lyla let out a sigh before she disappeared and bunch of photos of different labs appeared in her place, but they were completely demolished.

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