Chapter 30: Finally

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"So, where do you think the main Venom will be?" Gwen asked. The group of spiders had moved upstairs to May's house, much to the woman's dismay, seeing as the group of thirty spiders barely fit in there.

"I'd say probably the highest point in the city," Olvia responded.

"So then, Oscorp," Peter nodded in deep thought, "Makes sense. He can see everything going on with his Venom lackeys from up there."

"And power attracts power," Miguel chimed in.

"So, then what your saying is that Venom will find me attractive?" Miles joked. He waggled his brows and cast Gwen a glance to see her reaction.

The blond snorted, "Sure, if your power is your incredible stupidity."

He winked at her, "I actually meant my power of rugged good looks. I have-"

Gwen cut him off with a 'pffft'. She doubled over in silent laughter, "Yeah, you wish, you dork." Miles joined her in her laughter.

Just as the girl lifted her head, she let out a yelp as she came face to face with Pavitr. He held a grin on his face as he announced, "I can sense a love connection." He pointed between the two of them and Gwen had to fight down the heat rising to her cheeks.

"Whatever," Gwen mumbled and with that, she decided to leave the scene, making her way over to Peter.

"She wants you, bro," she could hear Pavitr's voice as she left. Gwen grit her teeth.

When the girl reached Peter she found that he had been talking to Miguel and Ben. She tapped his shoulder and he spun around, giving her his full attention.

"I think we should let everyone know that our spider-sense doesn't work with these things."

"Good thinking," Peter said with a sigh, "Man, that's gonna make this way more difficult." He shook his head as he let out an abrupt breath then he brought his head up. His eyes met hers as he asked, "You ready?"

Gwen pursed her lips. She peered over her shoulder at Miles. He was talking and laughing with Pavitr, Ganke, Liz, and Anya. She smiled softly at the sight.

Miles gave Ganke a playful shove as another round off laughter erupted from the group. The boy's masked eyes met Gwen's for a moment and time seemed to slow as he cast her a lazy, two fingered wave. The lenses of his mask pinched slightly and she was positive that he was smiling.

Gwen turned back to Peter and nodded, "I hope so." She would not lose Miles. She would make sure of it.

Peter smiled feebly, the weight of the situation clearly taking it toll on him. He then seemingly pushed all of his insecurities away, replacing it with a false confidence. "Okay guys, attention please," he announced as all eyes in the room turned to him, "Wow, I feel like I should be making a toast or something." Peter shook his head, "Anyway, who's ready to take back our New Yorks?!" Cheers sounded around the room.

"Alright, so Roxxon Corporations supplies all most all of the power in the city. Miles will use his zappy thing to..." Peter grinned as though struck him, "I've got it! Let's call it the venom blast! So Miles with absorb electricity from Roxxon and will use it to venom blast Venom into oblivion." Peter pumped his fist in the air. "But the rest of us need to keep the Venom's off of Miles, because they'll inevitably come after him. Noir, Gwen, Peni, Porky, and I will be the closest to him. We'll basically be his shields in case any of the Venom make it through." He shrugged, "If we get taken over, so be it. What matters is that we protect Miles and get him an opening, because without him we have nothing."

Gwen frowned as she cast a glance at Miles. She couldn't even imagine the pressure that he was feeling. Everything- every world was relying on him. She wished there was something she could do to help him.

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