Chapter 13: Day Out

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Gwen was worried about Miles. He had been through so much in the span of one day. He had, gotten beaten up by Ben Riley, was thrown off a building and almost died, found out that a psychopath wanted to kidnap him, and was treated like garbage by the leader of their team.

Plus, the girl absolutely hated the fact she had to go to school only a day after fighting a mob of evil scientists, led by their psychopathic, octopus ring leader. She tapped her pen repented against the desk, enveloped in her thoughts. It wasn't like she could walk up to her history or geometry teacher and say, 'Hey you know that illegal, vigilante Spider-woman? Yeah that's me. Don't call the police. So I was wondering if I could get off of class today. I was kinda busy trying to save the world. You know, the usual.'

Gwen shook her head. She wondered how Miles dealt with it or how he was doing right now. Hopefully not moping around being sad. Maybe he was stopping a mugging or bank robber.

Gwen looked down at the still unfinished homework problem and slammed her pencil on the desk in frustration. The boy seemed to be the only thing consuming her thoughts as she tried to finish her World History homework before leaving for school. Sadly though, every time she read through a question, her mind would wander off to the curly haired boy who she figured must still be pretty upset.

Gwen groaned. She almost wanted to go to Miles's universe and punch him for not allowing her to finish her homework. The only thing that stopped her was her mind replaying the sad, defeated look on his face as he left Miguel's dimension.

Now Gwen wasn't really a 'feelings' person. She was never good with comforting people when they're upset. She wouldn't even really know how to approach the situation. Usually she was fine with that. Her friend circle was pretty tiny, (only including Miles and her three bandmates) but for the first time in a while... she actually cared. Not that she didn't care about Em Jay, Glory, and Betty, but with Miles it just felt different. It confused her. She wanted to be around him constantly. She wanted to comfort him when he was sad, because she hated seeing him that way. She even enjoyed listening to his bad, corny jokes (not that she would ever tell him that). She wasn't entire sure how to describe it.

When her best friend died, the girl felt like a part of her did too. She had felt so broken and empty.  When she met Miles it was like the light seeped back into her life. She felt alive again and she knew that she owed that to Miles. Their friendship was admittedly one of the most important things to the girl.

She wanted to think of something to cheer him up. Something that didn't seem like pity, of course, because she wasn't pitying him. She just wanted him to... not be sad?

Gwen rolled her eyes.

"That sounds so sappy."

The sound of her phone pinging, broke her from her thoughts. She heard the phone ding again. And Again. And Again. And again.

Annoyed, she push herself out off her desk chair with more force that was necessary walked over to her nightstand snagged the phone from off of it.

"I am so gonna punch that boy."

To her surprise, it wasn't Miles that was blowing up her phone, but she was instead greeted with Mary Jane's name splayed across her screen.

Em Jay:
Hey Stace

Em Jay:

Em Jay:
Are you ignoring me?

Em Jay:
Gwendolyn Maxine Stacy you better answer me!

Gwen sighed as she read her friend's messages. Em Jay would never change.

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