Chapter 14: Great Responsibility

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Miles strode alongside Gwen down the streets of Queens.

The band had played amazing in Miles's opinion and he'd never seen Gwen the same way as when she played the drums. She was so focused- so in her element. By watching her, he could tell just how much she loved playing.

Miles wished he had something he was that passionate about.

This may not have been the kind of music that he'd usually listen to, be he was glad to have been there.

Sure, there had also been other bands that played at the theater, but Miles didn't pay them any attention. He was only focused on one band or one girl in it, particularly.

The boy looked up at the sky. It was beautiful. Instead of blue, like most dimensions, the sky was a pretty pink- the soft color reminding the boy of the cotton candy he would get from carnivals as a kid.

The sun had begun to set, painting the canvas of the the sky with a off, purple hue. It was so strange and foreign to the boy, yet gorgeous.

"You know it surprised me too," Gwen spoke from his left as the made their was along the crosswalk. The boy swerved out of the way of an oncoming passerby, then turned to look at the girl beside him. "How different the sky is," she continued, "It honestly kinda freaked me out the first time I saw a blue one, but now I think I might prefer yours."

"Yeah?" Miles questioned, urging her to continue.

"Everything in your universe is so unique and different," she craned her neck to look at him with a shrug, "I really like it."

Miles felt his face warm. She knew she was talking about his universe and not him, but he still liked to imagine she meant the later.

Miles shook his head, shooing those thoughts away. Ever since he had admitted his feeling for the girl to Peter, it seemed harder to keep them at bay. Usually it was so easy to just ignore them but now... every time she smiled- every time laughed displaying the cute, almost unnoticeable, gap in her teeth, those feelings rose to the surface.

Miles sighed heavily.

"This might be a problem."


The boy's head snapped over to Gwen.

"You alright, man?" she asked, a pinch of skepticism in her voice.

"Yeah," he trailed off, "Just thinking about, Lincoln."

Miles doesn't think Gwen couldn't have rolled her eyes any harder if she tried. "You're thinking about Em Jay's car?" She questioned in a tone of disbelief. She rose a brow as she awaited his answer.

"Yeah, and I think I figured out what I'm naming my first car," the boy said, a giggly grin placed on his face in preparation for his joke, in hopes of getting a laugh out of his blond friend.

"Oh yeah, this'll be good," Gwen mumbled sarcastically under her breath.

Miles brings both hands up to his face, then spreads them apart like he's displaying a title. He makes his voice lower as he announces the name, "The Miles-Mobile."

He heard Gwen snicker, "You're joking."

"It'll be a black Corvette and when I drive by people will call me, 'Mile-a-Minute-Miles'." He craned his neck down to look at her with a wiggle of his eyebrows.

Gwen shakes her head, but a small smile tugged at her lips, "You're so stupid."

Miles took this moment to stop walking and bow dramatically, "And that is just one of my many amazing qualities."

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