Chapter 20: Fight

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Gwen had fought Miles.

Like actually, physically fought him.

It felt wrong- thinking back on it. Well, they weren't full out brawling, but still. It didn't feel right. It bothered her.

She didn't regret it, though. Miles's wasn't thinking straight. He would have gotten himself seriously hurt or worse had she not intervened. 

Gwen understood why he was upset. She knew that he felt neglected, unwanted, and useless. She understood because she had felt all of those things and more. When she felt that way she never had anyone to talk to about it- anyone to lean on. She made a promise to herself that she would be there for Miles- or at least she would try. She wasn't good with emotions or... people really, but the least she could do was try to help.

Miles was worth it.

Gosh, she sounded so sappy.

Gwen shook her head directing her thoughts on something else.

What if Miles was mad at her for stopping him?

Peter texted them both to tell them that everyone got away unharmed, but not much else detail. She assume that meant that they didn't make any headway, but... What if Miles was mad she kept him from helping? She had dragged him through the portal right before the fight had started- not that she regretted that- but she still wanted to be on good terms with Miles. He was her best friend.

Gwen used reasoning to extinguish the small flame of doubt.

Miles was maybe a little depressed that night, but he didn't seem mad at her. He wouldn't have just suddenly gotten angry in the last few days. Plus, he had asked her she wanted to go play a game with him at his house today. That had to be a good sign, right?

That was how Gwen now found herself looking in a mirror, checking her appearance for probably the fourty second time today after changing her outfit three times. She had a reason. She swears! It had nothing to do with Miles!

She wasn't sure what the weather would be like in his universe and wanted to be prepared. That's it!

Gwen sighed heavily as she looked at her reflection in the bathroom mirror and ran a hand through her hair nervously. Who was she kidding? She couldn't believe she was acting like this over some guy. She used to think girls were ridiculous when they would fawn over some guy like this and now she was doing the one thing she never wanted to.

"But Miles isn't just some guy."

A small part of her brain whispered those words to her. Gwen wanted to scream.

She was thinking too much about this. She was going to go see Miles- her best friend- Miles. They were going to hang out- just like they had done numerous times- play a video game, and it'd be fun. Gwen just needed her brain to shut up for a few hours.

She gazed at the screen on her goober, and typed in the coordinates to Miles's universe and took one last glance into the mirror.

Did her white hoodie make her skin look pale or-


With an aggressive shake of her head Gwen punched 'enter' on her watch and waited as the portal's light illuminated her bathroom, reflecting off the wall and giving the once white room a bit of a disco vibe.


Not too long after Gwen arrived at Miles's house. She rang the doorbell and Silently prayed one of her friend's parents weren't the one to answer the door, because she did not feel like having an awkward conversation, explaining her presence.

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