Chapter 4: Pizza Time

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Gwen and Miles swung around the city for about an hour having a contest of who could take down the most crooks. The two were currently fighting off a group mugging that consisted of four burly guys who had cornered a young girl in an alleyway.

Miles fought two while Gwen fought the others. She landed a punch to the first guys face, causing him to stumble back, while grasping his jaw. In that same swift motion she dropped to the ground and spun around with her leg extended, knocking him off his feet and sending him crashing to the ground with a thud. She webbed him to the floor cast a quick glance at Miles.

Only one of his opponents was still standing. She watched as he crouched down and pulled his right fist back. Blue sparks started to erupt from his hand. He then leapt forward and landed a blow to the crooks gut, sending him flying backward into a a rusted, green dumpster. The guys body went limp as he slipped out of consciousness. Miles bumped his fist in the air as he triumphantly whispered a "yes!" to himself.

Suddenly, Gwen felt her spider-sense drone in her head. She sprung into the air using her powers to stick to the wall above her attacker, dodging what would have been a painful hit. The man had thrown a cement block at the place she had just been and she had moved out of the way just in time.

She watched as Miles charged forward landing a kick to the guy's abdomen. Gwen hopped down to attempt to help him, but Miles had already webbed him up.

He turned to her and Gwen could almost see the huge smirk on his face through his mask. "Looks like Spider-man wins!" he called.

"Nuh-uh, I took down way more guys at that last robbery," Gwen countered.

"No way! I took down plenty of guys!"

She crossed her arms over her chest, "Whatever you say, Mi-"

"Um, excuse me?" the voice caught them both off guard. The girl was still there curled up in the corner watching them cautiously. She slowly brought herself to her feet and Gwen took a moment to study the girl in front of her. She had fair skin and deep hazel eyes. her long, dark brown hair- now a frizzy mess from struggling against the muggers- that fell to about mid back.

She saw that Miles did the same and watched as he froze for a moment and the eyes of his mask widened in surprise. Gwen brushed it off. She'd ask him about it later. This girl was probably scared out of her mind.

"Hey everything's all right now," The heroine consoled, "We're not gonna hurt you."

The girls eyes enlarged. "Wait, I know you. Yeah, you're one of the Spider-people! I saw you on the news a couple years ago! The one with the white suit!" she exclaimed, "You're amazing!"

Gwen blinked once, then again. That was not the response she was expecting. She never got compliments in her universe. Anytime she saved somebody or took down a villain, the bystanders assumed they were next. They saw her as a monster, a freak of nature. Miles had no idea how lucky he was.

She smiled a bit under her mask, "Thank you."

Gwen felt a hand being placed on her shoulder she looked up to meet Miles's masked eyes- yes up.

"When did he grow taller than me?"

"Come on. We should go," he spoke, forcing his voice two octaves deeper. Gwen rose an eyebrow and the girl behind her seemed to hold a just as confused expression. He sounded like twelve year old trying to impersonate Batman.

Miles shot a web and swung off. Gwen turned back and gave the girl a small wave, which was over enthusiastically returned. "I'm Liz, by the way!"

"Spider-woman," the white-suited spider replied before swinging away to catch up with, Miles.

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