Chapter 3: Friend Date

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Miles and Gwen had not stopped texting. They would text each other every chance they got. They'd text in school, being careful to hide their phones from their teachers during class, or while patrolling the city as their alter egos. They would even stay up into the late ours of the night, laying on their beds with the phones screens illuminating the smiles that had been etched onto their faces.

Even now, Miles's roommate was giving him questioning looks, as he sat on his bed, quickly typing away on his phone with a wide grin stretched across his face, before shoving it back into his pocket.

"What's got you so excited?" Ganke asked from the desk chair across from him.

Miles turned to look at his friend, his face immediately going blank, "Uhh... It's nothing."

"I have never seen you smile that wide," he persisted, "You look like an idiot."

"Gee thanks, Ganke," Miles deadpanned, "Anyways I told you. It's nothing."

Ganke rose an eyebrow, then swiveled around in his spinning chair so he could face Miles better. Miles gulped at the stern glare that he received from his friend, "Miles, you know if there is something you're not telling me, I'll eventually get it out of you, so you might as well tell me now."

Miles winced as he thought back to the last time he kept a secret from his friend. Ganke had followed him around the school the next day chanting, "Tell me! Tell me! Tell me!" gaining many strange looks from the other students in Visions. It was even more embarrassing than his first day of school when his dad called him out on his police intercom for not saying 'I love you too'. After two days of Ganke doing that Miles had finally caved.

"Alright fine," Miles exasperated. He looked around to make sure nobody was listening, even though he was aware that they were alone in the dorm room, then leaned closer to his roommate. "Remember when I told you about the other spider-people from different dimensions?"


"Well I got this watch that lets me talk to them and travel dimensions."

Ganke's eyes widened. "So you were texting another superhero?!" he said excitedly, "Wait! was it the girl one? Please tell me it was her."

Miles felt a warmth creek up his neck as he tried to deny his friend's assumption, but all that came out was a mess of stuttering.

"It totally was!" Ganke exclaimed, throwing his hands into the air, "What's her name?"

"It's Gwen, but we're just friends, man," Miles clarified as he sat up and casually crossed his arms.

"Riiiiiight," Ganke drawled out the word, in obvious disbelief. He turned back around to the pages of homework that were sprawled across the desk. "Well tell your 'friend' that I say hi."

"Shut up, Ganke."

Miles shoved his phone under his pillow and rolled on his side facing the wall as Ganke stood to shut off the lights. His roommate crawled up the ladder to the bunk bed above Miles after saying a quick goodnight. Miles heard him shuffle a bit before finally laying still. It didn't take long for small snores to start falling from his mouth.

Miles pulled his phone out from under the pillow. He opened his messaging app and typed a new message. He scrunched up his lips as he considered sending it, then held his breath as he hit send.

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