Chapter 19: I'm Not Going Anywhere

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"Peter, watch your six!" Gwen warned as a few shots were fired in his direction. She fired a web to propel herself out of the way of Octavius's tentacles. She deftly ducked as one flew over her, right where her head had been. She did a roll to put some distance between them, then looked back, only to see Doc Oc's malicious grin.

The villain was about to attack once again, but got cut of by a blow to the chest. The girl in the black and white Spider-suit hopped into the air, landing an uppercut to the doctors chin before somersaulting back and ending in her fighting stance. She tossed her wavy brown hair over her shoulder and cast Gwen a brief glance. "Go help Peter! I've got Doctor Octavius!" she called out, her Spanish accent prominent in her voice.

Gwen nodded firing a web to propel herself up and over the tall buildings that surrounded them. Unlike other times they fought Doc Oc, the Oscorp in Anya's dimension was in a highly populated area, which meant they had to be extremely cautious of civilians.

Gwen scoured the streets to find Peter or anyone that she could be of assistance to, but with all of the skyscrapers in the way in was difficult to keep track of everybody. She flew up and over one building, letting her webbing balance her out and stopping on a ledge. From there she could spot Noir and Ben Riley fighting off a group of armed scientists on a street, down below, and a ways off from them was Peni who was using Sp//dr to try and defend herself against Scorpion. They weren't fairing too hot, but were still holding their own.

Gwen's head perked up a the sound of gunshots ringing throughout a street followed by screams and squeals. The heroine instantly bolted off in the direction of the noise until she made it to the source.

Cars were speeding away and people were running as fast as their legs could carry them which just added to the arising chaos. In the midst of the commotion she found Peter and Tombstone brawling it out, Peter frantically leaping around and attempting to disarm him, while Tombstone fired bullet after bullet at the man with a sadistic smile etched into his discolored, asphalt skin.

Gwen felt a familiar warning go off and she jerked her head to find a car barreling down the street toward a couple who were attempting to run away.

She instantly sprang into action, letting herself fall off the building and swinging low to the ground. She quickened her pace as the car neared and tackled the two young adults out of the way just as the car whizzed by. The couple gave her a quick thank you, which if she was completely honest, caught her off guard, before running away.

"Hey Stony," Gwen heard that annoyingly familiar voice speak, causing her to turn her attention over to the fight that was taking up the street. "My girlfriend has this moisturizer that works wonders," Peter leapt into the air and landed on a stop sign as Tombstone fired another round of bullets at him, "I could tell you where to get some. You might want it for all that... greyness you have going on over here here." Peter rubbed a hand along his mask in gesture then, shuddered in mock disgust, but that only seemed to enrage the mob boss.

Tombstone fired shot after shot, while Peter leapt from building to building. Gwen figured she should step in before Peter decided to open his mouth again.

The girl lifted her arms, held her middle and ring finger down, and fired two webs at Tombstone's hands, yanking the guns out of his grasp, before webbing them to the floor. She then flipped forward and landed a kick to the back of the villains head.

He let out an enraged growl as he spun back, swinging his arms wildly as he did so. Gwen jutted her head back as the villain threw a fist at her. She crouched then sprang up, landing an uppercut on his chin. The man stumbled, his hand coming up to cradle his jaw.

"Where did you come from?" he grunted as his gaze landed on her. His stance was wobbly. His body rocked back and forth balloon air dancers outside of gas stations. This fight was finished, whether he knew it or not.

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