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"Em Jay, I am not wearing that."

Gwen groaned for what felt like the hundredth time.

The redhead rolled her eyes, "It's looks cute. Why not?"

"Because I'm just going on this date to have good time with Miles. Not to seduce him!" Gwen threw her arms up in the air, letting them fall back onto Em Jay's mattress, as she sat on the bed in the redhead's purple-themed room.

Em Jay arched a perfectly styled brow, "That's not a good time?"

"You're disgusting."

"Fine," Em Jay rolled her eyes, but soon a laugh bubbled out of her throat, "I still think this outfit looks good."

Gwen rolled her eyes, "Em, even you have never even seen that much of my skin."

"You're so boring," Em Jay sighed, but Gwen could tell she wasn't upset, "I guess I can find a different outfit."

"If you can even call it that," Gwen mumbled, "And I already know what I'm wearing."

The redhead gave her a look, "What? Jeans and a sweatshirt?"

Gwen rolled her eyes, "We're not going to the prom. We're going to the movies and getting a pizza. So, yes," the girl deadpanned, "Jeans and a sweatshirt."

"Ew," Em Jay mocked gagged, then she sighed, "You have to let me help in some way." Then like a lightbulb went off on her mind she shot up from her spot, "I'm gonna pick you out a skirt!"

Gwen's crinkled her nose in disgust and attempted to protest, but Em Jay didn't let her get any words out.

"You don't get a say, Stace, so don't even try," Em Jay began rummaging around her closet, "You can wear a skirt just this once. It's a special occasion.". She started dancing in place, "Gwen Stacy's first date!" She sang.

Gwen sighed heavily as she fought down the heat creeping up her neck.

The heroine went back and forth with her friend on the skirts she had picked out. Most were way too short for her liking, others were too flashy, and the drummer would die before she wore anything with flowers on it.

Eventually she had decided on a plain light blue skirt that came down to her knee, that Em Jay said brought out her eyes and opted to wear a white shirt and jean jacket. So, yeah, Em Jay basically got to pick her outfit anyway, Gwen had to admit that she kind of liked it.

Soon Gwen found herself laying back on Em Jay's bed while the redhead sat at the foot on it. Gwen scrolled through her phone, checking the time every few minutes.

"Just a few more hours."

"So..." Em Jay drawled the word out to get her attention. Gwen eyes glazed over her phone to meet the girl's grin, "You nervous?"

Gwen thought about it for a moment. She was nervous, but at the same time she wasn't. Because it wasn't like this was someone she didn't know. This was Miles- her best friend. She knew it wouldn't be awkward or anything like that.

They just clicked.

"A little bit," Gwen admitted, "But not really. We hang out all the time. This isn't too much different. It just... kinda means something more now." Gwen smiled slightly at that thought. "But I'm not like stressing out over it.," She shrugged, "I'm okay. And I'm sure Miles is too."


Miles was definitely not okay.

He had no idea what he should wear or what he should bring or what movie to pick.

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