Chapter 23: Promise

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This chapter is more than double the length of my last one. A lot of action happens as when as a lot of Miles and Gwen scenes.
Hope ya'll like it.


Miles was pacing back and forth around the room- Miguel's universe. The six spiders stood round the control Center waiting anxiously as Miguel had Lyla conduct a search for Gwen. They boy turned to to said man, "Any luck?"

"Nope, still the same amount of progress as when you last asked me two minutes ago,"Miguel grumbled as he leaned against the wall with his arms crossed.

"Can you like, get it to speed up or something?"

"No, actually, I can't. Lyla is doing a sweep of every dimension, looking for the coordinates of her goober, and if you haven't noticed- there's a lot of dimensions. Now unless she took her goober off Lyla will find her, so stop asking."

"Miguel calm down," Peni spoke, "He's just worried. We all are."

Miguel grumbled something to himself incoherently, before silencing. Peter shot him a glare.

"I have to go," Miles exclaimed, throwing his hands up in defeat.

"No you won't. Doc won't kill Gwen. She'd have no leverage."

"If we don't show, that proves to her she doesn't need the leverage," Miles said through gritted teeth, "Come on, Peter! Olivia may be smart, but she still a psychopath. There's no reasoning with her."

"You're not going, Miles!" Peter snapped, his voice softened, "I care about you and... I can't just sit and let you die."

"Peter," Miles spoke sternly, "Whether you or the whole multiverse tries tries to stop me- I'm going."

The boy's own words made a memory surface to the front of his mind.

"Until the multiverse falls apart."

Miles made a promise and he intended to keep it. No matter what.

Noir stepped in, placing a hand on Peter's shoulder, "He's not gonna stop."

The boy was sure they could see it in his eyes-the determination- the surety.

He was gonna get Gwen back or die trying.

Peter let out a huff, but conceded with a nod.

"You can't just jump in there, Miles- not if Gwen's life is at stake," Miles shuddered at Peni's words, "We need a plan."

Miles felt a light pressure on his shoulder and looked over to it, meeting Porker's masked eyes. The pig gave a goofy thumbs up and smile, "Yeah, she's right and we Spider-folk stick together." He let out a cheerful snort, "Hah! Did you guy's see what I did there? Stick?"

"What do you guys mean by 'we'?" Miles ignored the cartoon that was now standing on his head. The boy crossed his arms over his chest, his dark brown eyes narrowing, "Doc Oc told me to come alone or she'll kill her."

The room descended into silence after that, each of the heroes training their gazes on the floor.

Peni brought a hand to her chin as her eyes lifted in thought, "So then..." she muttered, her voice still as high as ever, "What do we do?"


Gwen thrashed against her chains as she was dragged out of the dark room. Adrian Toombes- the person at the other end of her chains, ignored her futile protests. She dug the heels of her feet into the ground in attempt to stop herself. Toombes turned around with a loud snarl. He yanked on the chain, causing the girl to come sailing forward, landing roughly on her knees and elbows with a pained grunt.

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