Chapter 22: Silence

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It was dark and cold. That was all Gwen could see. Her fingertips grazed the floor beneath her and she gained that it was made of stone, due to its moistness that had seeped through the legs of her jeans. Her eyes hurt from the lack of light entering them. Her tongue yearned for water and her skin craved for the warmth that the stone had stolen from her body.

She wasn't sure how long she'd been here. Probably a day or two. She wasn't sure. She had been drifting in and out of consciousness for a while due to the sedative she had been injected with. It couldn't have been that long judging by the fact her body hadn't glitched yet.

While she had been dozing she had noticed that Doc Oc had removed her goober and put a metal cuff in its place, chaining her to the decrepit wall. Even with her super-strength Gwen couldn't seem to free herself. The metal chafed at her skin and was bound to leave a nasty bruise.

Gwen hated silence. She hated it.

She couldn't tell you why, because she didn't know, but silence made her skittish- she couldn't stand it- and now she was engulfed in it.

She pulled on her chains constantly just so the sound could fill the void. She wanted to run but couldn't. It may sound dramatic, but this was worse than any torture Olivia could have concocted and she didn't even know that she was doing it.

Gwen yanked on her chains once again- the jangling sound echoing around the room as the cuffs bit into her skin. The rate of her breathing began to increase. Her head was spinning.

Gosh, was she gonna pass out?

Her legs trembled with the urge to move from her spot and the girl let out a strained, gargled sound. So many thoughts rushed through her mind.

How did Octavius know?

She had always been so careful.

"Clearly not careful enough."

A small voice in the back of her mind whispered to her and she couldn't help, but agree with it.

She could feel the anxiety crawling up her skin, like ants to a meal and her heart thudded against her insides with unmatched force. She wished she had her headphones or something to wisp her away, to drown out the screams of quiet that beat down on her.

"Please, make it stop."

How long did Olivia plan to keep her here? Gwen hated to admit it, but the woman way pretty smart. She had to know that no matter what she said or did, Gwen wouldn't tell her who Miles was underneath the mask.

Was she just bait?

Gwen hated to think that, because she knew it would work. Miles would leap headfirst into danger to save her, just as she would do for him. She couldn't have that.

His selflessness would be his downfall.

All the more reason for her to get out of here.

The girl head perked up at the sound of footsteps. She couldn't tell where they were coming from- they echoed around the room, but she could hear them.

Light suddenly enveloped the room and Gwen hissed. She clamped her eyes shut and all she could see was red as the light seeped through her closed eyelids.

She heard a loud eerie creeking sound. The girls head snapped over to the direction of the sound.

"A door!"

Suddenly the burning of her corneas didn't seem to matter that much. The girl forced her eyes open.

The was Olivia Octavius with that same sinister smile that she wore like it was her finest jewelry. Gwen managed her best glare, but laughter was all she could see in the villains eyes.

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