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ELEANOR AND JAMES HADEN'T known each other for long. Of course Eleanor knew of James but then again who didn't.

He was one of the most popular blokes at Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft And Wizardry after all.

The duo properly met not long before they left Hogwarts for good to go their separate ways.



They were in Charms class when they had their first encounter and James was sitting with his usual sidekick Sirius Black.

Eleanor was peacefully sitting near the back of the classroom doodling on her spare piece of parchment with Mary Mcdonald and Freya Goodwin by her side when all of a sudden a big heavy book that they were practicing their Asendio charm on came flying at her in full speed.

She just managed to move out the way with a large whack to her shoulder which caused her to hiss in pain.

"Shit! i am so sorry!" a rather familiar curly brunette apologised as he rushed over and bent down to pick up the large book "Are you okay?" he asked just now looking up at the girl.

"I'm fine" she told the Gryffindor quietly not making eye contact as he was now staring at her with a certain look on his face.

Professor Flitwick came over to inspect the incident "Are you alright Miss Harrison?" he asked in his usual squeaky voice "Can you move your shoulder?"

Eleanor attempted to move her shoulder when a sharp pain shot through it and she let out a hiss. "Well that doesn't sound okay El" Freya told the girl Slightly cringing at the thought of it being broken.

"Is it broken?" James asked looking extremely guilty

"I'm not sure Mr Potter, sprained perhaps?"

"Right we'll i supposed you'd better go and get checked by Madam Pomfrey" he told the Eleanor with a reassuring smile "Can someone assist Miss Harrison please"

As Freya opened her mouth to volunteer James Beat her to it "I'll go! I mean it's only fair since it is my fault after all" he insisted pushing his glasses further up his face.

"I'll be fine, i can go by myself " she mumbled as she attempted to collect her things but failed.

James swooped in and picked up her stuff and putting it into her bag for her and slinging it over his shoulder making his way out the classroom.

He looked over at Eleanor who was just staring at him "Well come along then" he urged the Ravenclaw flapping his hand.

With a sigh she grudgingly made her way to the boy and said her goodbyes to Freya and Mary who both promised to visit if she wasn't out.

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