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'Resolving disagreements and explanations'

A FEW DAYS WENT by and at twelve Grimmauld place and Harry Potter was still not speaking to his father since their disagreement

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A FEW DAYS WENT by and at twelve Grimmauld place and Harry Potter was still not speaking to his father since their disagreement.

James was making his way up the old creaky staircase away to finally try and speak to his son.

Harry was on the third floor sharing a room with Ron Weasley.

When James arrived outside Harry's door he stopped for a few seconds wondering what he would say to him.

He then brought his hand up to the door and knocked three times.

From inside you could hear Ron and Harry's conversation stop and Harry call out "Yes?".

James sighed and said "Can i come in please Harry?"

There was a brief moment of silence and then footsteps.

Ron opened the door coming face to face with James and smiled.

"I'll just go find Hermione" he said and then added "You can go in" and started descending the stairs in search of his curly headed friend, not wanting to be there when they talked.

James sighed and entered the old dusty room that had the boys stuff scattered across the floor.

"Harry can we talk?" James asked leaning against the bed frame.

"Depends, are you just going to say no again?" Harry asked not looking at his dad.

"Harry you have to understand i haven't talked to her properly for fourteen years, It's not as easy as you think" James told Harry softly.

Harry sighed and turned around from his place at the small desk in the corner of the room.

"I'm not asking you to get back with her dad, i'm just asking to speak to her" Harry told him sighing again.

"I know you want to talk to her Harry and i'm sure she would love nothing more than to meet you but-" James started until Harry butted in.

"Then why can't i!" Harry argued.

"Harry let me finish" James told him and Harry huffed.

"as i was saying i'm sure she would love to meet you but not just yet, Neither of us expected to see each other and i'm in a bit of shock about it as i'm sure she is to so she probably just needs a bit to process. Okay?" he finished.

Harry's eyes softened "Okay, i'm sorry for not letting you explain why"

James smiled and walked over to Harry hugging him and saying "It's alright Harry" they stayed like that for a bit until Harry broke the silence.


"Yeah Harry?" James replied pulling away and looking at him.

"why- why did she leave us?" Harry hesitantly asked "I know you told me a bit but i want to know more. I want to understand."

James froze a bit looking at Harry, he wasn't quite sure how to answer him.

"Well i- yeah okay" James eventually said and Harry smiled at him finally glad that he could understand his father's hesitation on letting him meet the woman that he long to look after him like her own.

"Eleanor is a muggle born, so during the war her and her family had to go into hiding because Voldemort and his followers were after muggles and anyone who had 'tainted blood'" James started "I offered for her to go into hiding with your mother, you and i but she declined wanting to be there for her parents and brother because they didn't really know what was happening apart from her brother Marcus, he is also a wizard."

"Did you know him well?" Harry asked referring to Marcus Harrison.

"Yeah i did! he was a good mate, practiced quidditch a lot with him. In Ravenclaw as well, but i haven't heard from him since Your mother's funeral" James told him thinking back to all the times Marcus and him would practice quidditch techniques together and when Marcus would give James the classic 'don't break my sisters heart' talk.

"So when Eleanor left for hiding we decided it would be best to take a break from our relationship and focus on the war and staying safe seeing as we wouldn't be able to owl each other anyway. We didn't know how long the break would last, we hoped not long but Eleanor and i drifted apart, as much as it hurt." he sighed running his hand through his hair and adjusting his glasses.

"Then at your mothers funeral she was there and told me that she was going to go to America because she needed to get away from everything. So many of our friends died during that time, so did some of Eleanor's family. It was a difficult." James explained his heart breaking a bit more at the mention of her leaving.

"I tried getting her to stay because i needed her but she just couldn't, So we parted ways. I haven't heard from her or seen her until that meeting"

Harry was watching his dad intently taking everything in not knowing what to say.

He thought it was a bit selfish of Eleanor to just leave his dad like that especially after what happened but he also understood that she lost family and it was probably just a big reminder of it all if she stayed.

Harry sighed and said "You didn't deserve for her to leave like that dad, but i also understand her point of view"

James smiled at Harry and said "I know Harry and i understand to but it doesn't hurt any less"

Harry wrapped his dad in a tight hug.

They have always had a close bond considering for most years they only had each other.

After that night that night James held Harry a bit closer.

When Harry was younger and still sometimes now they would often get noticed in the street, people fawning over the boy and how he defeated Voldemort at not even two years old.

Asking for pictures of him, wanting a peak at his lightning bolt scar.

All that did was remind James of how much he failed Lily Evans that night.

How he should of been there and not with Dumbledore. He should of protected them and maybe if he did Harry would still have a Mother and Eleanor wouldn't have left.

He blames himself for it all.

Remus has tried to assure the man countless of times that it was not his fault and if he had been there that night then perhaps Harry would have neither a mother or father.

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